Chapter 1: The meeting

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I don't own naruto because if i own it, i would have change the whole story line. Besides, the akatsuki might be off character in this story. Sorry for bad grammar.

"Damn that f*cking leader, asking us to return to the base as soon as possible. I am f*cking tired you know?! We haven't been able to rest for days!" Hidan complaints to no one.

"Shut up, Hidan. At least we got the money for bounty." Kakuzu said, mentally counting the money in his mind. Hidan glare at the money lover and start to curse when Kakuzu stops him from doing so.

"Did you hear that noise?"

"What f*cking noise?!"

Kakuzu looks to his right, where the sound came from and start to walk that way.

"You f*cking asshole! Wait for me!"

As the two akatsuki members walk nearer to ths source of the sound, they can hear people shouting, two people, to be exact.

The both of them are standing by a cliff and they have their backs facing to the akatsuki members that are gradually closing in to them.

"We never wanted this." the male said.

"Yeah, she is an accident. The both of us didn't want this 'thing'." the woman nodded in agreement. They are about to throw the thing down the cliff when a voice is heard.

"What in Jashin's name are you two f*cking doing?!" Hidan walks over to the shock duo. The couple saw the akatsuki cloak and throw the thing that was in their hand just a while ago to a bush and run away.

'That was some good aiming there....' Kakuzu thought as he saw the strange object landing on a bush. He walks toward the bush as Hidan yells some curses toward the couple that was out of their sight.

"A F*CKING GIRL?!" Hidan yells at the top of his lungs. Kakuzu picks up the girl and stares at it like the girl is two-headed, then shrug and start to walk back to the akatsuki base.

"WAIT! What the f*ck do you think you are doing! You piece of sh*t!" Hidan yells again when he saw his teammate walking away with the girl in his arm.

"Let's get going, you don't want leader-sama to kill you, don't you?" Kakuzu says calmly without looking at the girl."I am going to leave you behind if you keep on standing there."

"No, i meant why the hell in Jashin-sama's name are you doing with the girl?!"

"I am bringing it back."


"She might be of use in the future, she has a great amount of chakra for her age." With that, Kakuzu increases his speed, ignoring the yelling Hidan.

(Guys, the reason why that girl, who is Sakura, is not waking up despite the loud noise coming from Hidan is because her parets drugged her to let her sleep and not wake up for some hours so they can throw her off the cliff. I know it sounds strange and funny, sorry guys)

~time skip to when the duo reaches the base~

"About time you guys arrive, wait, what are you holding!" Kisame shouted, getting attention from the other akatsuki members.

"A LITTLE GIRL!!! TOBI WANTS TO PLAY WITH HER!!!" Tobi runs toward Kakuzu, only to be push away. "Where is leader-sama?" Kakuzu asks the others who are still shock.

"In the office." Itachi answers, then continues to read his book. Kakuzu begins making his way towards the leader's office.

"Leader-sama?" Kakuzu knocks on the door. "Come in." Pein looks up from his paperwork and raises an eyebrow, Konan that is helping Pein twitches her eyebrow. In a flash, Konan snatches the girl from Kakuzu and hug her furiously. "OMG! She is so cute!"

Pein just shakes his head at his lover before turning back to Kakuzu. "Explain." Kakuzu tells them the whole story.

"Pein, can we keep her?" Konan pleads to her lover. Pein furrows his eyebrows, lost in thought for a moment, before nodding his head.

"But we must erase her memories first."

Konan and Kakuzu nod their head. Watching as Pein chants some memory erasing jutsu.

The three of them walk toward the living room, where all the others are at.

"Everyone, listen up. This girl here, is going to stay with whether you like it or not." Pein says while looking at Hidan. "We will train her to be the strongest in akatsuki. Understand?" The others nod their head.

"Pein, what should we call her?" Konan asks while caressing the girl's cheek.

"We name her Sakura." Pein announce. Just then, Sakura opens her eyes and the people around her widen their eyes (excluding Itachi and Pein, cause they are too awesome ;-))

Chapter 1 ends here for now, till the next time~

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