Chapter 4: Birthday

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This is going to be a hell long of a chapter, stay with me, ok? As usual, i don't own naruto and sorry for bad grammar.

The akatsuki is having a day off today, and they are currently enjoying their time at zetsu's garden(due to sakura's request).

Sakura watches her nii-sans and smiles. Her sasori nii and deidara nii are quarrelling about whose art is better. Sakura doesn't understand why they just can't get along. To her, art is the same.

She turns to her right, her hidan nii is performing his daily ritual. She sweat dropped and shakes her head. What she saw next also made her faint. Her kakuzu nii is sitting cross leg, his stacks of money surrounding him as he counts them. Her tobi nii is jumping around, glad that they have a day off.

Her kisame nii and zetsu nii are by the pond, her shark face brother is playing with the fishes while talking to zetsu. Sakura pictures kisame as a fish, swimming with his peers, and she snickers loudly.

At her far right, her parents are sitting together. She smiles at the sight, until she saw them kiss. She gasp and blush. 'OMG!!! THEY ARE SO CUTE!!!' she screams in her mind and peeks at them again. She giggles and turns to face her favorite nii-san who is chewing on dangos.

"Tachi nii!! Dad and mom just kissed! That's so cute!" Sakura squeals in joy while itachi watches on and shakes his head.

"Chill down sakura." Sakura fans herself with her hands to cool herself down. "By the way saku, when are we taking the photo again?" Itachi bites on another dango. "Later, tachi nii, maybe after cutting the cake." Itachi hums back in return. Sakura lays down on the soft grass and stares at the clouds.


"Saku-chan, what did you wish for?" Konan ask her.

"I wish that we can take annual family photos. Can we? Please?" Sakura puts on her best puppy eyes tactic.

"You heard her, kakuzu, we will need a camera." Kakuzu just shrugged. He is completely powerless when against sakura's puppy eyes.

~flashback ends~

"By the way, tachi nii, what are you giving me as my 11th birthday present?" Itachi just glance at her lazily and have another bite of dango. "Hn." "Tachi nii!!!" "You will know later. Don't be impatient." Sakura groans and let out a pout. She just can't wait to get her hands on the presents.

Konan decides that sakura will celebrate her birthday on the day they found her, which is on the 28th March.

Her brothers just know what to give her for her birthday for the past 2 years(she didn't celebrate her 8th birthday, as it was the day the akatsuki met her). Sometimes she just wonder how her brothers know what she wants.

"But i am glad that today we have a day off. Thanks to you." Itachi puts down the dango stick. "Eh, taking advantage of your sister's birthday huh?" Sakura moves her head to the smirking itachi's direction.

"sort of." Sakura closes her eyes. "I know how you feel, nii-san, dad is very strict when it comes to akatsuki."

"Nah, leader is more strict to you than to us. He wants the best for you, so, don't let him down alright?"

"I won't, nii-san. I won't." Sakura reassure her favorite brother. They sit there in silence, until konan calls them in to the base.

"WOOHOO!!!" the akatsuki are gathered at the dining room to celebrate their cherry blossom's 11th birthday.

Sakura is seated at the head of the table, where pein usually sit at. On her sides are her parents, smiling proudly. In front of her is a chocolate cake, because zetsu refuses to buy strawberry or mint flavour cake. Besides, kakuzu who wants to spend as little as possible thinks that both of the cakes are costly, which sakura agrees.

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