Chapter 5: The cherry blossom festival! part I

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I don't own naruto~ enjoy~

Sakura is by an open window, watching deidara and itachi sparring at the training ground when something covers her sight. She picks the thing covering her face, which turns out to be a flier. She looks at the direction where the flier came from.

"Kisame nii!" Her shark face brother smiles down at her and ruffles her hair. Sakura brightens at his touch and turn to looks at the flier with a cherry blossom tree as the background. "The cherry blossom festival?"

"Yeah, i saw while taking a walk. I figured that you would want to go, you have never been to festivals right?" Now that sakura thinks about it, she realises that she had only been out of the base for missions, or not, to train with her brothers.

"I'm so going to ask dad to let us go! Thanks same nii!" Kisame replies with a "no prob" as sakura dashes out of the room towards pein's office.

"Daddy~~" sakura barges into her father's office. "Oh hey mom!" Konan eyes her daughter suspiciously. Sakura don't call pein daddy, but dad, now that she is 11.

"What's that in your hand sakura?" Pein went eagle-eye on the flier. "It's about a cherry blossom festival dad! Can we go? Pleaseee!"

Pein looks away from sakura's pouting figure and looks at his equally excited partner. "Pein, can we go? We have never been to one before!" Konan takes the flier from pein, her eyes shine in excitement. Pein shakes his head and sighs. He can't possibly refuse the two woman he loves the most now, can he?

"Fine... but, with disguise." Konan gives him a"you don't say?!?" expression. "And no one is to refuse to not going." Sakura gives pein a kiss on the cheek as she skips out of the room to relay the news.

"Why the f*ck must we go?! It's a waste of f*cking time! I need to pray to my jashin-sama!" Hidan growls. Kakuzu nods his head."I gotta side with the jashinist for this one, saku."

"But there's no need to pay for entry?"

"I don't care, i am not going saku."


"YOU SHUT THE F*CK UP TOBI!!!" the jashinist hit tobi on his head. "Saku un, i don't wanna step into enemy's territory and comment about how artistic those people are, because they won't be as artistic as us, right danna?" Sasori nods his head. Sakura turns to kisame, who shrugs.

"Well, i was the one who gave you the flier. Besides, as long as there's sake there, i am fine with it."

"Yes! Thanks kisame nii! What about tachi nii?" Itachi eyes her for a second before saying the answer the others least expect.

"Hn, i will go." The others widen their eyes. "WHAT?!"

"What? You don't expect me to leave her in a crowd of enemies, do you?" Everyone whimpers at itachi's glare. Another fight is about to begin.....

"So what now un? You think you can convince us to go with your 'uchiha-glare' un?" Itachi activates his sharingan.

"Damn deidara, you just had to go and piss itachi off. You are so dead...." kisame takes another sip of his sake. "So what un?" (Lots of fighting. Censored~)

Konan's suddensigh didn't go unnotice from sakura even though there's lot of fighting going on at the background. "What's wrong?" Konan looks into her daughter's emerald eyes.

"It's just that. I sometimes wonder why the all of them can't agree on the same thing at all. Saku, i will be at your dad's, come tell me the outcome later after the fight is over..." she turns on her heel and walks away.

Sakura looks hopelessly at her still fighting brothers and pouts. "What's wrong, princess?" Zetsu notices her look and asked. "Nii-san, sometimes i really wonder why can't you guys agree on something together?" Sakura voices out she and her mother's thought. The fighting akatsuki members stop fighting and looks at each other.

Sakura, who had her head hung low, notices a sudden weight on her shoulder. "Saku un, sorry un. Danna! Come apologize!" Deidara shouts at sasori to hide his embarrassment. "Sorry about just now saku, i guess i will be going then, as an apology. You are coming too, deidara." "Of course un."

The others look at the remaining members that refused to go. "So, you guys coming or not?" Hidan and kakuzu looks at each other and then at sakura.

"Fine, b*tch, i will going." Hidan rests his scythe on his shoulder and sigh. "You? Money freak?" Kakuzu just shrugs.

"Fine... for saku's sake..." sakura beams at her brothers. "I knew that you guys love me toomuch to refuse me. Thanks nii-san!" They shrugged and went back to continue on their work.

Till the next time then~

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