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Ohm opened his eyes when a pillow landed on his face.

"Fuck, coo!?"

Ohm shouted to his younger brother who kept looking at him weirdly.

"What was that? Why did you throw a pillow on my face?"

Ohm asked his younger brother as he streching his body.

"Seriously? Phi you are kept on calling someone who name fluke?"

Cooheart said as he kept looking on his brother as if he was hiding something.

"Who is that guy anyway? Why do you kept calling him?"

Cooheart continued.

Ohm recall his dream but the only thing he remember is the guy name and the room number.

Ohm then rolled his eye, ignoring his younger brother as he take a shower.

" Phi, I'm going to prem house bye"

Cooheart shout outside the comfort room of ohm's room and he didn't wait for his brother to say something as he run down to the living room.

After ohm take a bath he decided to  go on the hospital early hoping to see his cheerful non existed friend.

Meanwhile cooheart and prem are busy watching a movie in prem's house when a doorbell rang.

"Coo can you please open the gate for me?"

Prem pleaded to his best friend too lazy to open the gate as he munch his own popcorn.

"Bitch, it's not my boyfriend so why should i open the gate for him?"

Cooheart sarcastic said as he throw one popcorn on prem's face.

"Sure, It not just boun anyway phi'kao is also waiting there"

Prem said as he stand up to open the gate but only got yank by cooheart who hurriedly fix his croptop

"Prem, I got it just relax hun"

Cooheart said as he wink to his friend who rolled his eye to him.

"What a hoe"

Prem whisper to himself.

After 5 minutes boun together with coo and kao enter the room.

"Coo phi'kao won't go anywhere so please calm your ass and let him sit first"

Prem said and coo being coo ignore his best friend.

"Phi kao what are you doing here?"

Coo says as he batting his eyeashes and kao find it addorable.

"Boun asked me and I have a free time so I just said yes to him"

Kao said as he sip on his juice and coo suddenly feel hot buy just looking at kao's lower lip, coo's imagining himself sucking those sinful lower lips of kao when a hand landed on his face that make him comeback to his senses.

"You are drooling bitch"

Prem whisper to coo.

Boun took the remote from prem's hand as he scroll for a good movie kao suddenly took the remote out of his hand.

"wow, you could just say you want the remote dude"

Boun said with a hint of joke on his tone, and kao just smile half heartedly to him.

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