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Third Person P.O.V 

"Phi? who are you talking?"  Coo asked to his older brother who has pale skin. 

" h-huh? nothing." Ohm then proceed to where fluke's body lying.  Kao and Cooheart move a side so that ohm can check the man in front of him as he sleeping peacefully. 

"Will you please leave for a moment? I just need to check him again." Ohm said to the two who look at him weirdly.

"I thought my brother is doing well? What happened to him doc? is there something I need to know?" Kao said as his heart beat abnormally pace. 

Coo hold kao's hand trying to calming him down, though it helps kao to relax for a moment but still he is beyond worried to his little brother.

" Phi what is wrong? natouch look's fine though?" Coo said as he stare to the boy who peacefully sleeping. 

"Calm down you two, Everything is fine. I just need to examine him again just to make sure." Ohm said and the just nod to him. Kao left a kiss on his younger brother's forehead as he whisper " Wake up already, I think I found the love of my life"  with that kao leave the room with coo in his side.

" P---Phi kao" Fluke finally let go the sob he desperately holding as he heard the words that his brother whisper to him.

"Phi kao phi kao... I---"

Fluke doesn't know why but the moment kao said those words he can't help just to clutch into his chest as if someone stab him there as he kept mumbling the name of his brother. 

He is happy because now he knows he has a brother and family waiting for him but at the same time he is hurting by the thought that he is in coma and his soul is out of his body.

"Fluke, I'm sorry I should inform you first... I---" Fluke cut ohm words as he embrace the worried man.

"No, don't say sorry. I am so happy that you accept my brother request. I'm so happy that you are my doctor." Fluke said as he kept on sobbing on ohm's shoulder.

"S--so happy that you can embrace me?" Ohm jokingly said but he tightly hug fluke.

"w-wait What!?" Only then fluke realize that he was actually hugging ohm and yes he can touch him. 

"I-I O my gosh! Doc!!!! I am not dead yet!?" Fluke scream while tears kept on flowing from his eyes.  Ohm doesn't know why but his heart suddenly abnormally beating as he kept on watching fluke who are smiling yet tears kept flowing in his beautiful eyes.

"Of course you are live, Idiot and I promise that I will do anything just to bring you back"  Ohm whisper but enough for fluke to hear. 

Ohm then brush the hair of  fluke and then  carefully wiping the tears on fluke's face. 

" I--- What are you doing?" Fluke breathlessly asked the other.

"Hmmm, You have beautiful eyes you know that?" ohm whisper 

"I-Idiot!" Fluke said as he push back ohm and then walk to where his body is. 

"I thought you will  going to check my body?" He continued.

"Hmm what do you want me to check in your body?" Ohm whisper to fluke and fluke not knowing how to handle ohm's words disappear. 

Ohm laugh at how cute the flustered  boy. 

"I will definitely bring you back. I promise" Ohm whisper as he brush the hair of fluke and then leave the room.

 after he leaved the room of fluke a certain someone open it as he stare on the boy peacefully sleeping.

"I wonder how will you going to react if you come to know the truth behind of him being in coma." 

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