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Ohm is busy reading the documents of his patients when suddenly his phone rang, cooheart his younger brother is calling at him.

"Now, what do you want?"

He said on the other line

"Hello to you too, P I need you to pick me up"

Coo said to him, the voice he uses is the most annoying tone for ohm but still he can't resist on that tone. Ohm take a deep breath as he pick up his car key.

"Where are you? What did you do this time?"

Ohm asked as he walked to the parking area of the hospital

"I'm on my to studio when suddenly a running man bump me and I lost my balance and then fall, I'm at the nearest hospital in studio"

Coo irritated answer to ohm

"where is your car? Why you decided to walk?"

Ohm is now driving the hospital is one hour away from where he was working.

"I'm too lazy to drive, just hurry up i wanna go home"

Coo ended the call and ohm once again feel the urge to smack his little brother head.

Ohm is the famous doctor in the hospital he was working because of his outstanding performance and to his good look but despite of the compliment he always received ohm remain humble in fact he is a shy one he barely interact with his work mate for he love to be alone.

Coo also known as cooheart is ohm little brother unlike ohm coo loves to interact with everyone, he loves to make friends with the stranger despite of being famous he manage to interact with his fans. Coo is a famous dancer and vloger that's why he is popular but also because of his bright personality and pretty face.

Ohm arrive at the hospital as expected everyone was looking at him but he ignore it as he approach the front desk.

"Hello may i know where cooheart thitiwat?"

Ohm humbly asked.

"sir he was on emergency room"

The nurse replied in a flirty way, ohm thanked her and soon walk where is brother at.

As soon as coo see his brother he happily wave at him but his brother seems so distracted and didn't see him.

"P!!! I'm here"

Coo tried to call his brother and for the second time he successfully got the attention of his brother who seems saw a ghost.

" Do you see one again?"

Coo worriedly ask as soon as ohm reach to where he is.

"N-no just distracted, let's go"

Ohm carefully hold cooheart hand as he guided him to walk from the parking lot.

"Are you sure you okay?"

Coo asked again as he felt the anxiousness of his older brother. They are in the car now.

" I saw a ghost"

Ohm whisper but enough for coo to hear it.

"You always see one and you always just ignore them what happened now?"

Coo said as he patiently waiting to his brother response

"I don't know but the ghost seems doesn't know he was dead"

"and he was perfectly fine"

Ohm just whisper the last words as he know coo will tease him.

"Just forget it p and focus on driving or we will end up like that ghost if you will not gonna focus on driving"

After an hour of driving they reach their house, ohm guided coo to walk as his little brother is kinda has a difficultly to walk on his own.

After ohm send coo in his own room he decided to go back on the hospital he was working on.


Ohm was shocked after he heard that voice, he tried to ignore it hoping the ghost will gone but the ghost seems to attracted to him.

" I'm sure you heard me doctor handsome"

The ghosts cheerfully talk again, ohm don't have idea why he feel the chill down into his spine after hearing the voice of the ghost who was seating beside him.

"What do you want?"

Ohm ask the ghost coldly

"you, i want you"

The ghost happily replied to ohm. Ohm on the other immediately stop the car as he look at the ghost beside him.


Ohm ask again

"I said i want you, I like you"

The ghost said to ohm, the ghost face is different from other ghost who ohm saw in his life, actually this is the first time he saw ghost again when he turn twenty five, plus this ghost is beautiful to be a ghost.

"You are perfectly aware that you are a ghost right?"

Ohm said, the happy face ghost suddenly turn into frown as he smiled sadly

"I know, but I'm not totally ghost"

The ghost sadly replied to ohm. Ohm was about to speak when the ghost suddenly gone leaving ohm with his messed mind.

A/N: hello i hope you are okay please be happy and always drink water. Love you

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