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Third Person P.O.V

"Doc?" Fluke called out, Confuse he walk to ohm office but in all vain there is no sign of the doctor in his office. Fluke then go up in the rooftop of the hospital still hoping that he might see the doctor but then again there is no sign of him.

As Fluke go down he stumble to Karin but because of his clouded mind he didn't hear karin calling out for him not until karin wave his hand in front of him.

"Seems like you are in a deep thoughts?" Karin said as he look at him confusedly 

"Do you know where doc ohm is? I been looking for him but there is no sign of him" Fluke worriedly said.

"Of course you wouldn't find him here silly!"  Karin playfully reply to him 

"What do you mean?" Fluke asked

"Didn't he tell you? He  go abroad because the director gives him a special project"  Karin said smiling but soon it faded as he see the small man in front of him burst into tears.

"What the hell just happened?" Fluke mumble but still loud enough for karin to hear

"Fluke, Look I'm sorry I thought you knew?" Karin whisper fluke just nod at him and walk to who knows where.

Karin didn't follow him as he knew better to let the boy alone for now.

"I just hope fluke you will bear the truth" Karin whisper as he continue walk on the other side.

Mean while Fluke sat at the bench out side the hospital. He look up in the sky as he continue wondering why ohm leave him just like that.

Did ohm just thought him a friend? Did ohm doesn't even care about him? Is it because he is just a lost soul? Those thoughts kept on playing in his mind.

"Am I a burden to you?" Fluke whisper as a tear pour down on his beautiful cheek.

Week past Ohm is still in the state no words from him and those weeks feels like a year to fluke who starting to lost his will to fight for his own life. In those weeks fluke had a seizure and it almost the reason for his own body to give up but still ohm don't even reach out on him.

Karin had enough of the suffering of the small boy in front of him. 

"Fluke, you need to know something important" Karin whisper as he seat down in front of fluke's body while fluke standing beside him looking lifeless in his own body.

"If it's that important than telling me to not just give up then say it" Fluke coldly says

"It is about on why you end up like that" Karin whisper and he feels the latter staring completely into him

" Fluke the reason you end up like that it's because of Ohm and his younger brother" Karin said now looking at fluke.

"The fuck you are just saying? It's not even funny karin!" Fluke sternly said

"I'm not joking! I know it all because I ..." 

"IS IT TRUE!!!?"

Karin didn't have a chance to continue what he was about to say as door of fluke's room open and there is Kao looking at him with eyes full of hatred.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2023 ⏰

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