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Cooheart sprain is finally okay now he was seating with prem while they are patiently waiting to boun the boyfriend of prem.

"Prem why until now boun hasn't come?"

Coo irritated says but instead of answering him prem just sip to his coffee ignoring his best friend rant

"I'm leaving"

Prem was about to stop coo but cooheart stop in his track when he saw who was walking towards them.

It's boun but not just him because together with him is the handsome man. Coo seat again fixing his clothes as if there is something to fix.

"I thought you are leaving?"

Prem teasingly asked

"Shut up bitch"

Coo replied, prem just smirk to his best friend he knows exactly why cooheart choose to stay with him of course its because of the guy who now seating in front of cooheart.

"Sorry we're late"

Boun says he didn't forget to kiss prem that makes cooheart rolled his eye to the sweet gesture of his friends.

"It's okay babe, anyway introduce your friend to us"

Prem happily says as he pinch cooheart hand. Coo knows exactly what prem is doing right now, normally cooheart will try to stop him but this one is different because the guy in front of him skillfully snatch his attention.

"So this is kao he is a model also my work mate"

Boun says.

Kao offer his hands for the handshake while he politely introduce himself.

"Hello my name is kao nice meeting you guys"

He says.

Prem shake his hand with kao as he introduced himself he was about to introduce coo but cooheart stop him.

"Hello nice meeting you my name is cooheart and I'm single"

Coo confidently says.

Prem and boun was shocked to what cooheart did because normally coo will just say hi and that's it he didn't even bother to shake hands but to kao its different he was the one who says he is single.

"I see, nice to meet you cooheart"

Kao said to cooheart.

"coo is fine you are the friend of boun so its okay for you to call me coo"

Cooheart replied to him.

Prem being the most supportive best friend of cooheart asked kao that makes coo heart skip a beat.

"Kao if you don't mind me asking are you single?"

Boun on the other smile at his boyfriend proud of how brave his boyfriend.

Kao sip on his coffee before he answer prem question

"Yes i am, i guess luck is not with me when it comes to that thing"

Kao says that makes cooheart frown.

Seriously this handsome man is single? Coo said to his mind

"I don't think so"

Coo can't help but speak and prem just let his friends to have his way into kao as he busy himself flirting to his boyfriend

"what do you mean?"

Kao replied

"I don't you will remain single after this coffee talk"

Coo brave said boun got choke on his drink while prem keep his laugh in himself and kao? He got lost in earth beautiful smile to him.

Mean while ohm is checking one of his patient when suddenly he felt the cold breeze in his back

"Do you miss me?"

The ghost whisper in to ohm ear that gave him chill down in to his spine.

Ohm didn't bother to response to the ghost instead he finish the check up on his patient he was about to walk out when the ghost block his way

" Don't you hear me? You still can see me right?"

The ghost cutely says to ohm, if ohm didn't stop himself from smiling the mother of the patient will probably think he is gone crazy.

Ohm just look at the ghost as he walk out in the room saying his goodbye to the mother of the patient

" I know you can see me handsome doctor"

The ghost scream that makes ohm to stop from walking.

Ohm look at his surroundings to make sure there is no people around them, ohm sigh deeply as he saw there is no one in corridor.

"Look i don't know you an--"

Ohm got cut off of the ghost

"Fluke my name is fluke"

The ghost cutely says he was smiling beautifully at ohm.

Ohm didn't know why he got a unknown feeling after hearing those name he feel like he heard it somewhere but he doesn't know when.

"Are you okay handsome doctor?"

Ohm come to his senses when the ghost cutely wave his hands to ohm face

"Okay fluke, please stop bothering me"

Ohm said to fluke but he immediately regret his words when the smile of the ghost turn to sad one.

"I thought you are different"

Fluke sadly says, and ohm feels like the word of fluke stabbed his heart so he did what he think a crazy man won't do.

"Sorry, okay we can be friends"

Yes ohm ask fluke to be his friends and sad ghost become a cheerful ghost again.

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