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Third Person P.O.V

"Karin, you can see me!?" Fluke said to the man in front of him who just smiled at him as he nod.

"What are you doing here? Does doc ohm sent you here?"

Karin said to fluke who still in schock from what has been happened for the past hours.

"Karin? Let's go who are you talking about?"

The driver called karin who thinks karin must gone crazy for talking to himself alone but karin seems like used to this scenario, he wave his phone to the driver acting like he was talking someone over the phone.

"Let's go patient 0606"

Karin said over the phone but of course fluke know it was him but he can't process as to why karin called him patient 0606.

Fluke is about to walk from the back of ambulance but before he can move there karin run to the back of ambulance where patient 0606 is lying down as karin close the door.

"Uh? Where should I sit then?"

Fluke asked to karin who smile at him as he pointed the passenger seat.

"You will seat beside me, don't worry the driver won't notice you"

Fluke just follow what karin instruction to him as he silently sat down.

After half of hours they arrived at the hospital and there he is the handsome doctor smiling at fluke as soon as he see him in front of entrance of the hospital.

"I will talk to you later after you check the patient, I will wait for you on your office"

Fluke sweetly said to ohm who just nod at him and whisper a small okay to fluke.

Fluke then move to ohm's office smile never leave his face.

As soon as the bed strecher reach to where ohm is standing everything seems stop from moving.

Ohm can't believe at what he was seeing, the asleep beautiful boy who supported different life support is none other than his ghost friend fluke.

Ohm try to move from where he was standing but in all vain.

"You must be shock doc?"

Karin said to ohm who look at him confuse written all over his face.


Ohm whisper but enough for karin to hear.

"You look pale doc, perhaps do you know him?"

Karin asked again as they watch the bed strecher passed them.

"Sent me the files of patient 0606"

Ohm send to karin as soon as he recover  from the schockness.

Karin just scratch the back of neck but soon a smirk left on his lips.


Ohm says as soon as he open the door of his office.

Fluke turn around wearing his sweetest smile that can wash away all of the tiredness ohm's feeling.

"You're back doc"

Fluke said but as soon as he see how pale ohm is he can't help but rush to touch the doctor face but again it just pass through ohm.

"Are you sick?"

Fluke ask him, it such a shame that the only thing he can do is just to ask him because he can't touch him no matter how hard he try.

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