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"Is she okay?"

fluke asked that makes ohm to jump a little because of the sudden appearance of the ghost.

Ohm only nod at him because there's a lot of nurses in the room at the moment and fluke being a naughty ghost isn't satisfied to doctor ohm response to him.

" Is it really hard for you to answer my question?"

Fluke jokingly said and ohm just shake his head.

"She is okay"

Ohm said to fluke who smiled brightly at him.

"Uh yes doc?"

One of the nurses asked him, confused who ohm is talking in the room.

Ohm face heats up as he feel embarrassed in front of the nurses in the room and fluke laugh at the embarrassed expression of ohm.

"Uh, I-I mean she will be okay now. Tell that to her family"

Despite of being confused the nurse just nod at ohm.

Ohm once again check the patients to make sure she is perfectly fine before he leave the room with ghost fluke following him around.

Ohm decided to take a break as he seat down on his own office with fluke teasingly smile at him.

"Why are you smiling?"

Ohm asked to fluke who only laugh at him.

"Now you are laughing are you gone crazy?

Ohm continue while removing his coat

"You look cute a while ago and it's just so funny to see the serious doctor to be embarrassed like that"

Fluke replied to him trying his best not to laugh at ohm.

"It's your fault"

Ohm said massaging his head because of the sudden headache.

"Are you okay?

Fluke worriedly asked to ohm

" yes, just headache"

Ohm replied to the worried ghost.

"Hmm Doc handsome can you help me?

Fluke asked and ohm straighten his back sensing this will be serious matter.

"About what?"

Ohm replied to him

"About how can I win your heart?"

Fluke laugh again at the shock face of doctor ohm.

Ohm was about to reply at him but the door of his office opened.

Fluke feels like he can't breath, yes he is a ghost but he still got a bad feeling and even he himself doesn't understand why he feeling that way especially after seeing a certain someone.

Ohm look at the side where fluke is standing but the ghost is already left.

"You okay p?"

Coo asked to his brother sensing something is off in the room.

"Y-yeah, what brings you here?"

Ohm asked his brother who are busy texting to his phone.

"Coo I'm asking you"

Ohm sigh at the sight of his brother who look like idiot smiling at his phone.

"Sorry p! My friend's brother got transferred here I just help him out"

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