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Third Person P.O.V

Fluke is waiting for ohm to come back from his meeting as he keeping himself busy by just staring at the small body sleeping  in front of him .

"Until now I just can't believe that I will find my body, that this day will come"

Fluke mumble to himself.

"Who are you talking to?"

Ohm said and fluke got surprised by the voice of ohm.

"say, do you think I can come back from my body? Is it possible for me to hold you?"

fluke mumble as he turn around to look at ohm who deeply looking back at him.

" Everything will be okay and I did promise to you right?"

Ohm continue as he walk to check fluke's body temperature.

"did your brother come here?"

"No, maybe he is busy? anyway what his relation to your brother?"

fluke's been wondering all this time why ohm's brother is always by his brother side, don't get him wrong he was just curious because they act like lovers and somehow this make him sad for he also want to be freely hold ohm.

" Honestly I don't know but they seems pretty close why?"

Ohm said as he face fluke 

"you don't want my brother to your brother?"

Ohm jokingly said.

"Of course not! it just I'm jealous of them. I mean they can freely hold each other while us I only get to see you or talk to you and we need to hide it." 

Ohm left a sigh as he sadly smile to fluke who now looking down. He is also feeling frustrated for not being able to hug fluke when he is feeling down.

" Hey, come on don't be sad, I will do everything just for you to come back " 

ohm continue hoping fluke will feeling better.

"Thank you for doing all of this ohm" 

fluke finally look up to him a slow smile worked its way across his face and into his eyes.


They both look from where the voice is coming and there they saw a beautiful woman standing in the door.


ohm is surprised to see his mom holding a bouquet of beautiful blue flowers

"What are you doing here? do you know this patient?"

Ohm continue.

The woman just smile at him but the hint of panic is visible to her face and ohm know there is something wrong.

"Yeah I know him anyway don't you have meeting?" 

Her mother said changing the topic as much as ohm wanted to ask more of questions to his mother he can't because the meeting will start at 2 minutes.

Fluke on the other hand look confuse at the situation unfolding in front of him. 

The moment ohm leave the room her mother shed tears as she look at the young boy sleeping peacefully.

she slowly seat on the vacant chair beside fluke's bed. She touch fluke's forehead as she can't help but to let out the tears and her sob as she kept muttering sorry to the young boy.

Fluke is more than confuse as to why ohm's mother kept on apologizing to him.

"The destiny seems playing, I'm sorry you have to suffer like this just because of..."

Fluke didn't hear the rest of what ohm's mother saying as he felt dizzy and everything went to black

After the meeting about the hospitals upcoming event ohm is eager to go to fluke's room when the director call him.

"Ohm can I have a word with you?" 

Even though ohm want to say he is busy he can't just ignore the request of his director so him ohm has no other choice just  to follow the director into his office.

" Please have a seat ohm"

Ohm take his seat saying thank you to the director

" Ohm remember our hospital branch in Canada?"

"Yes director"

" Good, we were having exchange doctors from there and you are one of them"

Ohm cannot believe of what the director said to him.

"Sorry but why me? didn't we have a lot of interns?"

"You are one of the excellent doctor here and most of all this will serve as your preperation in the future"

No ohm doesn't want to go. He can't just leave fluke body to someone also didn't he promise him that he will never leave him?

"But director I have a patients that needs me I can't just leave him"

The director look at him as he sip from his drink.

"Look ohm, you can't just let this pass. plus I will have someone to look at your special patients."

" No you don't understand dad! please!" 

Yes the hospital where he was working is owned by his grandfather and the director of it is his father.

"No buts ohm, I will have your mom to look at that patients from time to time so don't worry just go." 

His father massage his temple as his handed to ohm his plane ticket.

"Go pack your things  tonight at 6:00 PM is your flight."

Ohm knows that once his father decide things there is no turning back , Ohm just nod at him as he leave his father's office and walk to his office to get his things.

Ohm didn't have time to say goodbye to fluke because it almost 6 o'clock in the evening without a single word ohm leave the hospital.

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