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"Where are you going again?"

Ohm asked his brother who didn't listen at him as coo walk straight out of the living room. Ohm sigh to himself as he throw the pillow beside him that perfectly landed on coo's head.

"What the hell phi!?"

Cooheart exlaimed to his brother who blankly look at him.

"I ask you a question and you didn't even bother to reply at me that's why I throw a pillow at you"

Ohm said to his brother who just roll his eyes at him.

"I'm going at prem's house we will meet phi kao and Boun"

Earth reply and didn't wait for his brother reply.

Ohm massage  his temple  he didn't know why his little brother is acting like a brat again.

Ohm decided to sleep when his phone ring. He look at his phone there he saw Tian calling at him, Ohm smile at his screen as he answer it.

"Hello, tian? How are you?"

Ohm soft voice bring warm to tian.

" Hello ohm, calm down I'm good um I just need your help?

Tian said on the other line.

"Sure what kind of help?"

"Umm can you please look my patient for me? I just need to attend my seminar"

"Sure, I'll be there give me a minutes"

"Thank you my dear suitor"

Tian said that successfully give a smile to ohm.

The call ended but still Ohm smiling like an idiot.

After 15 minutes of driving ohm arrive at the hospital and was welcome of tian beautiful face smiling at him.

Ohm also see the familiar boy at the end of the hall way but the boy wasn't looking at him for the certain boy is busy looking at the floor.

"Hello? What are you looking at my back?"

Tian ask to his suitor.

Ohm smile at him as he softly pinch tian face as he said "nothing"

Ohm and Tian walk on the elevator and ohm for the last time spare glance to the certain boy but he wasn't there anymore.

"My patience room number is 0606 and his name is fluke siripongthon"

Tian handed to ohm the papers of the patient and ohm doesn't know why but his heart suddenly hurt the moment he heard the name of the patient.

"You okay ohm?"

Tian worriedly ask to his suitor.

"Ah, y-yes don't worry I will take good care at him"

Ohm said. Tian nodded and bid her goodbye to ohm who did the same.

"She's beautiful"

Ohm look at where the voice come from and there he saw the ghost seating on the couch of his office room.

"Since when you are here?"

Ohm said as he wear his gown.

"The moment she left,where are you going handsome doctor?"

The ghost said and follow ohm who walk out.

"I will check 0606 patient"

Ohm whisper to fluke who giggled at how cute the doctor is.

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