Chapter 7

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A/N : Yo yo~ I'm glad that Saiki is hype up. I really surprised at how active the readers in here lol, spamming me "PLZZZZZ UPDATE SOON" or comment a random stuff😂 anyway enjoy the new chapter and welcome new reader!!

(n/n) = nickname

It's almost evening and you need to make a dinner for you and your mom. She always work overtime so you don't spend much time with her. But now, this is your chance to get closer to her. Luckily, your boyfriend teleport to your house whenever you need him so you don't feel lonely.

"I'm home, (n/n)" your mother called out and took her heels off. You smile and greet her.

"Dinner is ready,mom!" you said with a big smile. You hug her as she hugs you back. How much you missed her warm and gentle hug.

Both of you enjoy dinner time together. "Mom, are you free at New Year?" you asked.

"I will try honey.." she says in gentle tone and kisses your cheek.

You sigh out and nod slightly. "okay mom.."

"So how was your relationship with Kusuo-kun?" she asks, trying to light up the mood.

You smile with a small blush on your cheeks. "We're good. He always treat me well"

"really~ how far is your relationship?" she asked, smirking. You blush and take your phone quickly when someone call you. It's Saiki. 

"Oh my~ speak of the evil" She chuckles, "you should answer it." How did your mom know? Well, mom's instinct 

"I will. Sorry mom" You pick up the call and say, "hello?"

"hello (y/n)" he greeted. 

"(y/n), are you free on New Year?" he asked. 

"I don't know yet.." You say, turning your head to look at your mom. She looks at you and nods as she know what you're going to ask.

"I'm free, Kusou-kun." you smiled. You wonder why he doesn't use his telepath 

"My mom told you to come over for New Year. Also.." He said, "i wanna see you"

You blushed softly and said, "me too!"

He chuckled, "I will pick you up then"

"Okay!" you said excitedly. You hung up and jump happily. 

Your mom chuckles, "so how is it?"

"He asked me to come to his house for New Year and he will pick me up here." You smiled but slowly the smile disappear. "But.."

She smiles softly and rubs your hair gently. "I know sweetheart. We can spend time after you get home"

You smile and hug her. "Thanks mom. You're the best"

A/N : What do you want to wear for your date? Now you can choose it~

Published on December 30th,2020 at 23:54 

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