Chapter 9

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It has been hours since he left you. Some people have evacuated themselves, you're in dilemma if you have to stay and wait for him or save your life. The ground is shaking. You can't wait anymore so you start running and pray Saiki will be safe out there. It's kinda hard to walk with kimono and the wooden sandal.

"Can you run faster, miss? You're slowing us down" a young man said while carrying injured girl. You're surprised and give them way. You remove your sandal and lift up your kimono to ease your escape.

"I'm sorry Saiki-san..." you sighed out, starting to run barefoot. Some trees fell down and the cars were shaking.

"RUN!!!!! There's a tsunami!" a guy screamed. You feel your heart stopped for a moment as you know there's a tsunami coming towards your direction. Everything went into silence until a kid cries and plead for help break the silence.

You immediately went back to the present and rushed to help the kid. You run to him and see his legs stuck under the ruins. Without thinking twice, you lift the wood that's crushing the kid legs.

The kid quickly pull himself out of the ruins, "Are you okay ? Can you walk?" You asked.

He shake his head and stare at his wounded left leg with agonizing expression. The wound is just too severe and from the looks of it, he won't be able to walk properly. 

"Come I will carry you on my back" you said as you wipe his tears and crouch down. 

The boy wrapped his arms around your neck and you lift him up to carry him to safety. You realize that this will slow you down but you try to run as fast as possible to the top hill to avoid the tsunami. The hill seem far every time you run up. You could feel your feet are trembling due to carrying the boy, since you're not used to carrying someone on your back. 

You could hear the sound of the waves getting louder which cause you to turn your attention to the horrible sight. You saw the tsunami has reached the city and sweep everything on its way. You start to panic and try to run faster to the hill. You saw your destination but so does the tsunami getting closer. 

You run and run as fast as you could ignoring the weight you carry on your back. Survival is the only thing you can think of right now. Your safety and the kid safety.

"Onee-chan! The tsunami is getting closer!!" The kid shouted.

Before you could reach your destination, you realize you couldn't make it. You feel all hope is lost and there's no chance of survival no matter how fast you run but you don't want to give up. A huge tall tree catch your attention and you quickly rush to the tree.

"Hey kid, can you climb?" You asked 

"Yes" he replied

"Good. I want you to climb this tree okay? Climb to the highest branch" you said as you saw the tsunami getting close to you 

"Okay" he replied and you quickly put him down He accidentally pull out your hairpin as you put him down and quickly climb up the tree despite the pain on his right leg.

When you want to follow up, the huge wave is under you and sweep you off the hill. Your hand slip off from the tree and you know this is your last moment. If only you can say your last word to Saiki.

Saiki's POV

"Why do I feel uneasy..?" He mumbled to himself.

Published on January 30th, 2021

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