Chapter 5

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Saiki wakes up as he sits on the bed, panting heavily. He puts his hand on his forehead. His body keep sweating and his heart is beating fast.

"Thanks's just a dream.." he though as he turns his head to his phone. He takes it and calls (y/n)'s number. 

"Hello?" she calls out.

"(y-y/n)..are you ok?" he asks in worry and panic.

 "'s early in the something wrong?" she asks, rubbing her eye.

"I-i'm sorry..(y/n)" 

"It's ok..did you have nightmare?" she asks, yawning

"..yea. It's about you.."

"I'm fine, Kusou-kun. I'm alive" she says softly

"I'm sorry.."

"Don't apologize, Kusou-kun.. i'm fine and you always protect me. Whatever is your nightmare, it won't come true" she smiles, "We have date tomorrow~ don't forget ok?"

"I won't" he says softly.

"Hehe love you" she grins happily

"yea i know"

The next day, they meet up in their favorite place. (y/n) smiles warmly and holds Saiki's hand. He smiles back. They are walking side by side. (y/n) looks to the right and finds a ice cream truck. She points to it with her hand.

"Let's buy it!" she says, looking at Saiki softly. He nods. After they gets in front of the truck, she order (favorite flavor) ice cream.  Saiki sticks with his favorite one, coffee ice cream.

"Do you want to try mine?" (y/n) asks as she offers hers. Saiki leans down and licks it in quick and gentle way. He smiles a little.

"Not bad" he says softly.

She grins,  "Right?? maybe you should taste different flavor"

He shakes his head, "Coffee is the best. if only they have coffee jello.."

"why don't you make one?" she asks, chuckling

He sighs, "If only i can..i won't buy the ice cream"

"make sense" she nods, "i can make it for you"

His eyes light up in excited. "Well..if it doesn't bother you" he says,covering his red cheeks

She giggles, "of course not. I will make ton of it"

He chuckles, "i hope you don't burn the kitchen"

"I won't!" she pouts. The ice cream drops a little bit on her finger. She surprises and looks down at it. "Oh no!"

She quickly licks it off and finishes her ice cream. "Oi oi.. slow down" Saiki says in worry.

There is a little drop of ice cream on her cheek. He sighs and moves his thumb on her cheek,wipe it off. She blushes, "T-thank you.."

"Be careful,(y/n) might get brain freeze" he said,sighing.

"hehe..sorry" she gives an apologize smile. They finish their ice cream while walking around the street.

Published on August 15th,2019 at 19:14

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