Chapter 4

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A/N  : Thank you for messaging me xD I really appreciate it! I guess it have been month that i don't update. //slap 

Warning : R18+ 

You wake up and look around the unfamiliar place. You look up at your hands that get tied-up. You try to break it but fail. "Is there anyone??! Hello!!" you shout, trying to recall why you are here. After you realize it, you scare something will happen and worry about Saiki.

"Stupid (y/n)! why can't you save yourself?!" you mumbled. The door creak open and a young man appear. He has a purple eyes and a blue hair. He goes to you and smirks.

"Hello, (y/n). Finally we meet" he says, grab your chin. "no wonder he likes you"

"..Who are you? A murder?!" you ask, glare at him. 

"Not yet" he pushes your head back and looks at you, from head to toe

"Well,well.. why can't I have a taste before call him?" he licks his upper lip and smiles darkly.

"No! Don't you dare!" 

He begin to lean in and kiss your cheek. "How cute and weak you are." 


Saiki looks around for (y/n) while holding a small box. He goes to the nearest alley and uses his power, Clairvoyance. He looks around the city fast, searching for her. After an hour, he finally  find her location and runs. He tries to control his anger as his poker face remind there.

After he arrives, he uses his ability to fight the guards and opens the door.

"(y/n), your prince charming already come." The man smirks, turn around and grab her chin. "I guess he uses his power too much" 

You look at your boyfriend and blush. You're half naked. "Saiki..Help me!"

Saiki shocks at the sight as he grips against his teeth. "What are you doing to my girlfriend?!"

"Wow.. come down,dude. I just playing  with her. She tastes.." He smirks, "good"

"Saiki, don't listen to him! He just messing with you" you shout.

Saiki run quickly and stand in front of him, push him. But, the man moves away before Saiki could touch him. "Save that power. You don't want to feel the pain right?"

Saiki glares at him and protects his girlfriend, unlock the handcuff. "I'm sorry for coming late.." he whispers.

(y/n) shakes her head and says, "it's fine babe. i'm glad you come here"

"Oi, i'm still here you know. Don't be lovey-dovey infront of me" the guy sighs and laughs

"Shut up" Saiki growls and uses his power. The heavy wooden boxes move and goes to the guy, smack him into piece. But, there is no blood as you can hear the laughing voice.

"Oh my god..this is so fun.." the guy smirks, "Call me The Illusion" 

Illusion uses his speed and hits Saiki's cheek. Saiki groans and glares at him,hit him on the chin , go through him and hits his stomach. The Illusion laughs insanely and yells, "YES! HIT ME AS MUCH AS YOU CAN!" 

Suddenly Illusion fades into ash and goes to (y/n), he points his finger to her forehead and smirks. "Say goodbye~"  



Published on December 28,2018 at 1:45 PM

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