Chapter 10

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A/N : Listen to the music. If you want to get the feel, please read it on your laptop/pc

The uneasy feeling made Saiki worry about your safety. He looked around the disaster area for your presence. The tsunami has settled down and the situation is safe now but not for him. The disappearance of you made him uneasy and his heart is beating fast as he hoped nothing bad happened to you especially after the tsunami. You're the love of his life.

He saw a kid on the tree hugging the branch tightly but what catch his attention the most is the fact that the kid is holding your hairpin in his hand.

He quickly fly to the tree and asked, "hey kid where did you get the hairpin from ? Why are you up here ? Did someone helped you?"

"Yes, onee-chan helped me..but...she didn't make it.." the kid said as he cries.

"Can you describe her appearance?" he asked, doesn't want to assume it's you yet. He doesn't think he'd be okay if it's true.

"She wore a (f/c) kimono and.. this was her hairpin." the kid sobbed. He held the hairpin with his tiny hand.

Saiki's eyes filled with sadness, anger and pain. He's not mistaken, he knows for sure it's your favorite color.

"Thank you.. Can I have.. the hairpin? I'm her boyfriend." Saiki said softly, trying to control his emotion. The kid nods and gives it.

"..I'm sorry oni-chan.." The kid mumbles. Saiki left him as he could see the rescuers coming their way.

He summons his clones and orders them to look for you. It's hard to look for your body. One of his clones gives him a piece of cloth and shows him the way. Saiki could see your corpse from far away and he's not mistaken that it is you. As they approach you closer and closer, the more Saiki couldn't take the pain.

When he lands on the ground, Saiki immediately hugs your lifeless body. It was cold and there's no sign of life left in you. He saw your body covered with bruises and cuts. Saiki uses his x-ray power to know what's the cause of your death and he saw your lungs filled with water. He cried silently and regretted his choice for leaving you.

"I'm sorry..(y/n).." He said softly. His clones slowly disappeared and left him alone. The rescuers arrived and saw Saiki.

They approached them,"Sir, we need to move the corpse now. Could you please let us-"

"..No! I want to see her one last time.." He said, "please.."

One of the personnel who seems to be the leader sighs and nods slowly as he orders his members to leave them alone for a moment, "Alright sir.. But please hurry."

They left to look for more survivors and corpses. Saiki stayed silent and caressed your cold cheek gently. "I love you,(y/n).. I love you so much..."

After Saiki calmed down, he reached his phone out to call his parents then your mother. He looks down at your face and kisses your forehead. The rescuers come again to take your dead body. He could never imagine that he would lose you so soon.


His parents and your mother arrived at the camp. His parents hug him and look around for you.

"Where is my daughter!?" your mother asked in panic.

Upon hearing this, Saiki stepped forward in front of your mother and said, "I'm sorry, (l/n)-san.. She was carried away by the tsunami.."

The Psychics Girlfriend ( Saiki Kusuo x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now