Chapter 8

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A/N : I saw the comment on chapter 7 xD Please calm your horniness reader.. <(。_。)>Anyway, Happy (late) New Year from me and Saiki!! 

The cold breezing makes Saiki want to stay at home so badly but he already promise you. He wears a long warm navy sweater and jeans, lastly his black sport shoes. He is heading to your house. 

After he arrived, he presses the bell and waits for whoever open the door. His head automatically look up at (y/n)'s room, wonder what's she up to. Although he can use his power, he want to respect her privacy. 

"Ah Kusuo-kun, She's getting ready. You should go inside first" her mother said with a warm smile, "I need to work now so you can go to her room if you want"

Saiki smiles back and walks inside. He startles a bit when she pats his shoulder. 

"I'm sorry, Kusuo-kun.. Please take care of my daughter." she said, sighing. 

Saiki nods slightly and say, "I will. You don't need to worry (l/n)-san"

Time Skip // bring you by Saiki's teleport power

"You always look beautiful" Saiki said. This is the first time you see him look at you in awe. You blush and move closer to him.

"..Thank you. You look handsome too" you said, smiling happily. Both of you walk to his house hand-in-hand. 

"Wait Kusuo-kun.." you stopped and take a small box out from your bag. You give it to him, "it's your Christmas' present. you can open it later"

He takes it and smiles, "Thank you. Did you get my gift?" 

"Yes. Thank you~" you hugged him gently. He used his power to send the Christmas' present again. 

Before he could open the door, someone already standby the door with a smug face. Saiki looks at him.

"You must be (y/n). I'm Kusuke Saiki, Kusuo's elder brother. Nice to meet you.." he greeted and whispers the last word, "..again"

"Yes, Saiki-san. Nice to meet you too" you said. Saiki pulls you inside before you can shake his brother's hand. 

Kusuke chuckles and follows you two. You smile in apologize then go greet his parents. "Ah- (y/n)-chan, what is this?" Saiki's mother asked as you give her a flower box with her and her husband's picture. 

"Oh's lovely! you don't have to give anything, (y/n)-chan." She smiled. 

"I'm glad obasan likes it." You chuckled and see the couple being lovey-dovey infront of you. (oba = aunt. so it's different with obaa means grandma / old lady.)

"(y/n)-chan, you can call me 'mom' you know~ don't be shy" she chuckled. You blush.

"b-but.." you sighed and tried to call her, "m-mom"

"aww you're so cute (y/n)-chan~ I wished I have a daughter. Now i have one" she said, hugging you.

"ah- we should eat now. You must be hungry" She continue, lead you to the table with full set of new year food.

Everyone gather around the table and celebrate the new year. You smile at his mother when she serves you ozouni. You feel warm and happy because they treat you like their own family. 

Hours has passed, Kusuke excused himself because he need to go back to his office. "Good bye, Kusuo.." he smiled, "Take care~"

The pink head nods slightly and turn to look for you. "Kuu-chan~ come here." his mom called out from the bedroom. He comes and surprises to see you wear a (f/c) kimono. A tint blush appear on your cheeks as you feel shy. 

"What do you think, Kuu-chan~?" Kurumi smiled, waiting for her son's answer. 

"She's pretty." he said without hesitant. Oh my, how many times he will make you blush. His straightforward answer always catch you by surprise. 

"Oh my Kuu-chan~" she surprised, "I think you two suppose to spend New Years alone now. Why don't you take her to the festival?"

"Eh..?! But i should change first,m-mom" you said shyly. She shook her head and pushes you and Saiki out the room. 

"Enjoy your time~!"

The pink haired guy smiles gently and uses his teleport power to the entry of the festival. The place is crowded with adult and kids. 

Time passed by faster when you enjoy it, you didn't realise it's already evening. You ate the apple candy and looked at Saiki enjoying his jelly.

"Ku-" Suddenly there is a loud noisy and the ground is shaking. You panic and hold on his hand quickly.

"Oh my god-! What's happened?!" you asked and watches some people run to save their live.

"We must move now, (y/n)" Saiki said, grabbed your hand to teleport to the safe place. He moves faster as if he sense danger. You two are on the empty park.

"Stay here." He checked around the place and uses his power.

"I think it's earthquake.." You said, thinking if there might be an after wave.

"Yes it is. I need to use my power to stop it." Before you could stop him, he flied up to check the situation. What should you do now? You're a human, normal human. You don't have power..

Published on January 15th, 2021 at 00:13

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