Chapter 3

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A/N : Hi,hi~ I'm sorry for the long update _(:з」∠)_


It has been a long time that you and Saiki didn't go on a date. So, you are so happy today because he asked you out.


Ring ring~~ You got a call from Kusou~! (your ringtone)

You pick up and press the green button, "Hello?"

"(y/n), I'm sorry if I disturb your sleep." He apologized.

You shook your head even though he didn't see it, "It's fine,Kusou-kun. I'm reading a novel right now."

"Oh.." He smiled, "What's the title?"

"(Your favorite novel). It's so interesting!! I love his/her writing style and the storyline too~!! I can't wait for the sequel." You shout happily.

"Hmm..I'll buy the new one for you."

You sat up, "N-no. I don't have to.."

"It's fine. I can buy the jelly next time."

"Kusou-kun, I appreciated it. But, you really don't have to. I can buy it myself." You said honestly.

"Okay," He smiled softly, "let's have a date."


"Tomorrow.Meet up-"

You laid down on your bed, "at our favorite place."

"Yes.." You could hear his sigh clearly and smile at it.

"At 1 p.m.?" You asked to make sure about it.

"You knew it."

"Okay! I can't wait!" You said and hung up.

End of flashback

You tied your hair into a ponytail and wear a white shirt with a paper milk on the center and black skirt. After that, you went to the living room. You open the shoe locker and pull out a flat shoes. 3 minutes later, you hear someone ring the bell. You open the door and see Saiki outside. (I think he could be romantic if he want to)

"Eh? Kusuo-kun, why?" You shocked.

"Good morning, (y/n)" he greeted with a small smile

"Good morning, Kusuo-kun!" you smiled happily, "so where are we going first?"

"Let's go to the coffee shop." 

"Hehe ok. You really like their coffee jello, aren't you?" He nods

You and Saiki walk hand-in-hand together, looking straight. When you turn around and see a pretty purple heartshape necklace, it remind you of Saiki's eyes. You smile before turn back to the street.

"(y/n), can you go there first? I need to buy something" he says 

"Umm .." you look at him with a question look, "ok, i'll be waiting"

He nods and goes to other place. You look at his back before walk to the shop. 


Before you can get in, someone close your nose with a napkin. You try to fight back but fail. A minutes later, you faint and the kidnapper carry you quickly to the black car. He pulls his phone out and calls someone.

"Boss, we got her." he called 


Published on April 13th,2018 at 10:47 PM

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