Chapter 1

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A/N : Actually I've plan this story for so long. But, yeah, I'm too lazy and busy for make it. The reason is my other story still ongoing and I just like "Okay,I'll write it." After 3 seconds later, my lazy mood actives. I already type them, but too lazy to publish it.

But, just pray that I will keep writing this story until the end. Oh,if you haven't watch the anime, please watch it. It just take 3 minutes so, i guess it'll not take so long for you to watch it.


Both of you already date for 2 months. And, of course, his parents knew about it and considered you as their own daughter too. (A/n : just how lucky you are? :) ) Your friend didn't know about it,except Nendou. But, luckily,he didn't tell the others.

"Kusuo-kun,good morning!" You smile sweetly at him. He walked out from his house and smile at you.

"I heard there is a new cafe nearby the school." You said, "they sell coffee jello too."

He smiled, "I'll come with you."


Time Skip

After the bell rang, you two walk to the cafe. The most excited one is Saiki himself because you know he love coffee jelly so much. You saw the front cafe and quickly grab his hand. You walk a little fast to the front and open the door. Luckily, the place isn't that crowded. You and Saiki walk to the empty place and sit down. You look at the menu and call the waiter.

"(Favorite Dessert) and (Drink),please." The waiter nod and write it down.

"Coffee Jelly and water,please." Saiki ordered and she wrote it down.

"Please wait a minute. The food will come out soon." She excused herself.

Saiki looked at you, "I still can't read your mind,(y/n)."

You chuckled, "Why do you want to know about it?"

"Because it can help me to understand you more."

You shocked because Saiki always keep his thought/answer to himself without say it out loud, "You don't need to,Kusuo-kun."

"I'll tell you what I have been thinking,you don't need to worry about it." You continue.

He nods and thought about it. After the waiter come with the foods, both of you enjoy it and talk about random things.

Published on August 14th,2016

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