chapter three

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I was seated at the window. Hands clinging to the side of my chair. Then I felt movement beside me. Owen stood up from his seat, i looked at him confused until another figure came in my sight.

Owen switched his seat with Leo, who came and sat next to me. I found myself staring into his eyes. Not a word is said between us. We just stare, until I feel his fingers softly place on mine. My fingers are still tightly wrapped against the armrest.

He leans over, "Take my hand instead" he whispers. His fingers brushes slightly against mine and with slow movement i let go of the armrest. My hand placed in his, our fingers interlocking and I squeeze his hand tight when I feel the whole plane shake.

I lean towards his body, resting my head against his shoulder. The plane lifts and I squeeze my eyes shut. Feeling Leo's lips pressed against my head. "you're okay, why don't you try to sleep?" He whispers. Nodding my head, I try to get comfortable. Resting against his body, closing my eyes.

I woke up with my head in his lap. He had pushed the armrest away, letting me sleep in a more comfortable position. I felt his arm resting lazily around my waist while his other hand was tangled in my hair.

Moving my head to look up, I see him peacefully asleep. As I don't want to wake him up, I lay my head down again in his lap. Soon enough my eyes starts feeling heavy.

Landing in Spain was like landing in freedom. No work, no stress, no parents. Don't get me wrong, I love London. But these past days it's been really rainy so I'm happy to be in the hot sun.

We rented a car and drove to an apartment we're staying at. Me and Owen was in the back seat while Theo was driving and Leo was in the front seat. I'm looking out the window and watch as we pass the beautiful ocean, a long beach with lots of people running around, bathing and resting. I can't wait to run my toes in the warm sand and laying on a blanket as the sun hits my body, reading a magazine and watching the boys swim or play beach volleyball.

We finally arrived at the apartment and it's stunning. There are three bedrooms, a big and two smaller ones, two bathrooms, a kitchen, living room and a balcony with the most gorgeous view. You can see the blue ocean and the long beach.

"so I guess I'll take the master bedroom and you boys can share the smaller bedrooms." I say when we're done looking around the place.

"I don't think so Mel" Theo pats me shoulder and I cross my arms and gives him puppy eyes. With a baby voice I pout my lips.

"please Theodor" He rolls his eyes. I know he's not falling for that trick anymore, I've done it before. But on the other hand, Leo and Owen fell for it directly.

"look at that face. How can you say no Theo" Leo says with a concerned look.

"She's a master manipulator and you're now falling for her wicked scheme"

I surrender

"Fine! I'll take on of the small room and you guys can fight over the others two"

We go our separate ways beginning to unpack.

Taking a better look at my room I realize that it's not that small. I have a big bed, drawers and a big window with a beautiful view. I start unpacking until I hear a little knock

"come in" I call as I put down some clothes in a drawer. I look up and see Leo leaning against the  doorframe

"hey so we're all having dinner tonight at this restaurant but until then we can do what ever we want" I turn my body around to face him, giving him a small smile.

"Sounds good to me. I really want to go to the beach, I'm so hot right now" I wave a hand in front om my face, trying to get a wave of air to ease the sweat dropping from my forehead. Leo chuckles. I can't help but notice how he licks his lips while his eyes scan my body, top to bottom.

"I think we all want that. Put on your bikini and then we can leave. I'll tell the guys"

"Well okay bossy"He chuckles once more and shakes his head before leaving. I smile to myself and grab one of my bikinis, closing the door so that I'm able to change.

The hours past and we're finally settled at a table on one of the many resturangs options.
We're having blast. We laugh, we eat, we talk, the boys drink. I like to stay sober since my drunk self has a tendance of kissing every person I talk to and also being a very truthtold person which means breaking a lot of hearts by telling guys at bars that they're terrible kissers.

"okay hold up. Mel, you're a model right?" Leo asks. My brother and best friend looks at him as if he's stupid while I chuckle.

"you didn't know that Leo? You've known her since the day she was born. Literally" Owen looks between me and Leo, surprised by Leo's lack of knowledge.

"Hey she's not my best friend, you're pretty clear of that" Leo defends himself.

"It's okay Owen, don't worry and yes Leo I am a model"

"A really great one" my brother smiles at me which honestly makes me pout my bottom lip.

"Well I need to see some pictures" Leo puts down his beer bottle, moving his chair towards me which surprised me.

"Okay okay I'll show you the most recent ones. These haven't been released yet so you guys are one of the first to see them" I pull out my phone and show them a few different pictures

I don't know why but my eyes lock at Leo as if  I wanted to see his reaction first before even acknowledging Owen and Theo's reactions.

It's like his jaw dropped. I chuckle lowly to myself and I think he notice my laugh and the way my eyes were stuck on his because he looked up, now facing me. He opens his mouth.

"wow these are beautiful Mel, you're gorgeous" his last words came out in a whisper but I still mumbled a thank you back.

"they really are. I'm so proud of you" Theo says and leans over to plant a little kiss on my head

"thank you. Owen what do you think? You're the expert photographer"

"Wow. You're a goddess honestly" I chuckle at his over the top reaction.

"you guys are killing me! Come on let's eat"

We continue the night with more food and more conversations. Sometimes I feel Leo's eyes staring at me but as soon as I turn to look at him, he looks away.


a/n: okay i hate this chapter tbh but oh well, happy friday everyone!!

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