Chapter four

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It's midnight and I'm laying in my bed. Laying here thinking about everything. And with that I mean thinking about Leo.

I turn my head towards the window, watching the dark sky, no clouds and the stars are glimmering. The moonlight passes through the glass, lightning up my room.

This night has been weird. I've been getting these weird looks from Leo which drives me insane because I really don't know if I make them up in my head or if he's actually looking at me, up and down, biting his bottom lip everytime I our eyes meet.

All the thinking makes my head hurt. I sit up on my bed, wrapping myself up with a blanket. Reaching to grab my phone, I unlock it to find my best friend Olivia's contact. It rings for a few seconds before I finally hear her voice.

"Babes! i thought I lost you to Spain" her voice is loud and the noise is the back even louder, meaning she's at a party.

"Oh never, I don't wanna bother you though. Who's hosting?"

"This guy named Eddy, he's hot and I'm horny" I chuckle a laugh while making my way to the balcony. Olivia has always been a party girl which is how we met. My drunk ass kissed her drunk ass, I told her she was a good kisser and then we were two barfing asses who became best friends. "But I always have time for you, what's up"

"You know Leo?" I turn my head, making sure the balcony door is closed and no one is around. I sit my bum down on the small outdoor sofa, making myself small and wrapping the blanket tighter around my body while trying to hold the phone to my ear at the same time.

"Hands, Tall, hot, abs, hands, football, biceps, weird job, brother's best friend, hands, Leo?" she likes hands.

"Yes, that one" she awaits for me to continue "well, I think I might be sorta, ish, maybe, weirdly, kinda falling for him" I close my eyes, waiting for an answer.

"Honey, I've known that for the last couple of years" I raise my eyebrows at response as if she could've seen it through the phone "miss, you fucking giggle when he's around, you never giggle" fuck that is so true-

"But I feel like he's been looking at me differently these last few days, maybe he knows and now he's probably disgusted or-"

"Bitch shut up, he's checking your fine ass out" She makes me chuckle once more until everything falls into a silence. "Okay honey, what's the problem?"

"Theo is the problem. A big, huge fucking problem. Theo would never let me go near Leo, neither let Leo go near me"

"Don't you think Theo would be happy? They're best friends and if Theo knows Leo he would know if he's a good guy" she has point, as always.

"He's still my brother. It doesn't matter who the guy is" I tell her truthfully.

Suddenly I hear the balcony door opens.

"Oli, someone is coming so I have to go, enjoy your party"

"Oh I will, my eyes just spotted the host, perhaps I should give my thanks for the lovely party" I could honestly see the smirk on her face by just hearing her voice as she speaks. "I'll talk to you later and don't worry about Theo. You're allowed to have a love life"

"I will try, goodnight love you, don't forget to wrap it before you tap it"

"You don't want to be an auntie?"


"kidding! Bye, I love you too, goodnight" And with that we end the phone call and I turn my head around to see Leo glancing down at me.

"wrap it before you tap it?" he stares at me with a grin and I already feel my cheeks heating up.

"don't even start" I point a finger at him which he responds with his hands up in defense, soon making us both laugh.

He slowly takes small steps towards me. I scoot more to the side, allowing him to sit down on the sofa next to me. My head don't even register when I feel his arm slowly wrap around my shoulder, pulling me closer to the heat of his body. My breathe hitches for a quick second. But, when I finally let go, I let myself lean against his touch. My head on his shoulder.

We sit in silence. His thumb rubbing circles on my shoulder. My fingers fiddle with each other, trying to calm all the nerves rushing through my body. Minute by minute passes, the roads are quiet.

We can hear the sound of the waves flowing on the ocean. Our sight is outstanding. The moonlight reflecting on the water. The temperature is warm, a bit chilly with the wind but the heat that radiates from Leo's body is enough for me to keep warm.

"it's beautiful" I whisper, looking at the view in front of me.

"It is" Leo mumble. I turn my head to look up at him but, only to find him already looking down at me. I bite my lip, holding back a smile. Our eyes are locked and I'm completley blushing.

I feel the arm around my shoulder slowly trace to the base of my neck. His hand gently places on my jaw. Keeping my head turned to his, our eyes not daring to look away. By each second that passes, I can feel him lean closer. His thumb brushes my jaw, follwing the line until he grips my chin with two of his fingers.

I breathe heavy. I feel his breath on my lips. He can probably feel mine against his.

For a quick second I look down at his lips before our eyes meet again. I don't dare saying a word. My body speaks for me. A thin piece of air is the only thing blocking our lips to touch.

"I really want to kiss you" his words are quiet, his voice is too, yet they feel as if it is the loudest sound I've ever heard.

Our lips are brushing against each other. I'm not quite sure what we're waiting for.

"I want you to kiss me" I find the strength to talk. But just as fate brought him to me, his lips brushing against mine, it pulls away when we hear a call.

"Mel? Leo? Where are you guys?" we hear Theo shout from inside. We both let out heavy sighs. He rest his forehead against mine before standing up slowly, pulling away from me. He offer his hand to me and I take it.

"on the balcony" he shouts back with a frown. One final squeeze on my hand. One final look into my eyes before he pulls away, steps inside the apartment.

I'm left alone, my lips feel empty.

I haven't been imagining it. My thoughts were right. Holy hell I almost kissed Leo Evans.

a/n -
so sorry for the short chapter!! I hope you had an amazing week and hopefully there will be longer chapters in the future <3

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