**chapter nine

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"I am dying" I groan, my feet are dragging after me and soon I can't even see the boys.

"Melody!" I hear someone shout. It's Owen. I can tell because he always sings out my name whenever he's shouting.

Suddenly three bodies appears from the giant rock in front of my. I let out a loud shriek and stumbles backwards... I was right, I am dying. My feet halts as they trip over a rock and I fall straight to my butt.

"Fuckity fuck" I wrap my hands around my ankle.

"Shit, Mel" Leo mumbles as all three of them comes running to my side. "You okay?" Leo takes out his cool water bottle and holds it against my ankle.

"No, it hurts" I wince out in pain, my head falls backwards but before it hit the ground my brother comes to the rescue and places his hand on the back of my head.

"You twisted it so it's not as bad, happens to me all the time during games so don't worry we'll take care of you" my brother says with a slight smile.

"Oh hell nah- you guys couldn't even take care of my fish Larry for one day"

"Oh I remember Larry" Owen beam with a gleam in his eyes, smiling.

"We did a great job taking care of Larry the third" Leo defends him and my brother by looking at me with a smile

"He died!" The confession makes everyone laugh but I cross my arms over my chest "you're a disgrace to directioners and the Larry shippers" I point my finger at them both while Owen nods his head.

"Come on feisty, let's get you up so we can go back to apartment and get your ankle wrapped" Leo takes my hands and begin pulling me up. The pain in my ankle makes it impossible to stand so I stumble into Leo's chest but he keeps and arm wrapped around my waist so that I don't fall. "I got you" he whispers.

The whole way back to the bus Owen saves me and I hop onto his back as he carries me back to the bus. True best friend material.

When we finally reach the apartment they order me to go to bed but we're leaving in three days. I want to enjoy the sun. Treating me like a porslin doll, Leo carries me out on the balcony to place me in the lounge sofa with a magazine and a lemonade.

Owen joins me on the other end of the sofa. My feet placed in his lap while he roast under the sun.

"I think Theo is talking to a girl" he spits out randomly.

"He's what now?" I put the magazine down and stare at my best friend.

"He was texting on his phone during the whole bus ride, couldn't stop smiling and kept it hidden from me but I saw someone send a picture and it was a girl in Leo's football hoodie" I gasp. Owen laughs at my reaction.

"Well, maybe he won't be single forever" I shrug my shoulders before picking the magazine up again "guess I was wrong"

"Hey, we both were, I thought he was gay for a second" Owen admits making me let out a chuckle "or at least bi"

"No I already took that role in the family, it would be rude of Theo to steal my thunder" I threw the magazine on the side table, making myself comfortable in the sofa while talking to my best friend. He moved his gaze to me.

"Well he wouldn't know because you haven't told him" he jokes but I know he immediately regrets it. He looks at me with sympathy, he knows I don't enjoy having this conversation. "I'm sorry, Mel" but I shake my head.

"It's okay" we sit in silence for awhile until he opens his mouth to talk.

"Hey, I knew you said you needed time but I think you should tell your family at least" Owen's tone changes and I know he's being serious. We've had this conversation one million times. Owen tells me to come out. I say I'm not ready.

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