Chapter five

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I wake up by someone whispering my name. I grab a pillow to cover my face as a groan escape my lips. Although someone throws the pillow away and I force myself to open my eyes only to be met by Owen's face. I jump. I mean really fucking jump, nearly screaming on top of my lungs.

"don't fucking scare me like that" I pant, pushing him away from me. He chuckles a laugh, backing off to sit on my bed, beside me.

"sorry" he smiles

"what time is it?" I groan, looking out the window, it's still quite dark and the sun isn't up yet.

"Early. Wanna watch the sunrise?" He smiles with all his innocence if there even is any left.

"Is that even a question? Yes!"

"Okay then, get your ass out of bed" Owen picks up a pair of sweatpants, hanging on a chair and throws them on me.

"rude" I mumble to myself when he leaves the room. I crawl out of bed, pulling the sweatpants over my hips. My hair was in a messy braid and I honestly don't want to fix the mess. Quickly I head out with my phone in my hand.

I'm met by Owen standing in the hallway, slash livingroom, slash kitchen, eyeing my outfit.

"Mel, can't wear a crop top, it's too cold in the morning" I look down at my outfit with his words. Shit. Still wearing my crop top.

"Right" i mumble you myself. Owen looks around until he spots a piece of clothing on the couch.

"Here put this on" he says, throwing a hoodie in my direction. I thank him while pulling it over my head and we can finally leave the apartment.

I love walks with Owen. We always talk about life and spills tea over people we know. As the photographer he is, Owen takes a few pictures of the sunrise and me which are definitely instagram friendly.

"so..." he drags out the O, his camera hanging around his neck with a strap. A few clicks with it to catch the beach and sun in a frame. "what's going on between you and Leo?" He questions. My head jolts to look at him with a not so amused and questioning expression on my face.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, my brows furrowed.

"Come on, Mel, don't act dumb" he chuckles and my face turns into a frown.

"I'm not acting dumb, there's nothing going on" a sort of lie comes off my lips. I don't want Owen to become defensive and protective about it.

"oh come on, Mel, you're my best friend and he's my brother, I'm not that fucking stupid to not see both of you gazing at each other"

I go quiet, I turn around, continuing to walk because I know it won't end well.

"I'm not Theo" his words makes me stop in my track.

I turn around slowly, taking small steps up to him "I know" a mumble escapes my lips.

"So tell me" Owen pushes and maybe he's right. He's not Theo. Theo is protective over me, Owen wants the best for me and why would he care if something happens between me and Leo? Right?

"Yesterday..." I start, not knowing how to actually get this sentence out of my mouth. Yeah we didn't kiss but we were close or our faces were inches apart from kissing or I don't know, honestly I wish your brother would just kiss me and let me know...

"Melody" I shake my head out of a trance, looking at him while fiddling with my fingers.

"We almost kiss"

"What do you mean almost?"

"His face" I put my right hand in front of him. "My face" Then i take my left hand next to my right hand. "This close" pulling my hands towards each other. "Lips brushing, not a kiss, then Theo calls on us and boom" I break my hands apart "no kiss, almost kiss"

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