chapter eighth

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I groan loudly. My headache is quite literally pounding my brain.

"Good morning, beautiful" soft lips places on my temple and I feel the body under me. I totally forgot that Leo slept in my bed.

"I'm crushing you" I whisper, realizing that my whole body is placed on top of his. Now I feel bad.

"You're not, I like being under you" A smirk grows on my lips when he says those words.

"ooh kinky" I mock him which makes Leo laugh and place another kiss onto my temple.

"I should probably get out of here before your brother finds us and tries to kill me" Leo starts to move and my mouth instantly whimpers at the lack of touch.

"No" I whine, trying to pull him back to me. Instead, Leo leans down and kisses my nose.

"I'll make you breakfast, yeah?" He kisses my lips once more as I nod my head.

"Wake up the boys if they're still asleep" I tell him giving his butt a slap as he walks out of the door. With a small chuckle and a nod he leaves my room and I fall flat on my back, letting out a loud sigh. How the fuck did I end up like this?

The hangover isn't as bad as I thought but I am certainly not able to move, meaning; I can stay in bed all day. I'm not capable of falling back asleep and my body is missing the warmth of Leo next to me.

My stomach starts speaking to me so I decide to go out to the kitchen, giving Leo my ultimate, amazing company.

When I step inside the kitchen, Leo's bare back is faced towards me. He has no clue that I'm here admiring how his back muscles flexes, wandering by the counter, preparing breakfast for the three hungover people in this apartment.

I sneak up on him from behind, wrapping my arms around his waist and placing my head on his back. He smells good.

"You smell good" I whisper. Leo makes a small chuckle before turning around to face me. Effortlessly, he picks my up and places me down on the counter, standing in between my legs.

"You're make it really hard not to kiss you in here" His hands traces up my thighs until he grips my hips.

"Well hey, I ain't stopping you, tiger" I shrug my shoulders, my fingers pulling him closer by gripping his chin. He stops just when our lips are brushing against each other's.

"What if Theo walks in?"

"If you didn't already wake them up, there's no way they will, so stop worrying and kiss me already" those last words makes him smile and finally he leans in, kissing my lips softly letting his tongue brush my bottom lip. He motions me to part my lips, which I do. Our tongues moves with effortless.

Then we hear a door open...

I push Leo away from me. Wiping my lips with my hand and he turns to the stove, lips slightly swollen.

"Morning" I hear my brother say in his morning voice. Fuck I hope he didn't see.

"Good morning" I answer him, smiling when he stands beside me. I'm still placed on the counter, my whole body is burning, my cheeks flushed, still craving those lips who were on mine just a second ago.

"Whatcha making?" Theo question, stuffing his mouth with grapes that were placed in a bowl.

"Mate, come on" Leo slaps Theo's hand away from the bowl. Suddenly I'm sitting in between the two of them. Leo on my right, Theo on my left. They start talking but I'm too blinded to acknowledge what they're saying as soon as I feel a subtle touch on my lower back.

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