the very end

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Som people say that spending the night with your future husband, the day before your wedding is bad luck. I believe it brings luck into your life, wanting to spend the last night as a regular couple before committing to be husband and wife. Or maybe me and Leo are too desperate for each other...

Leo's thumb is gently caressing my palm, every other minute bringing it up to his lips, leaving a light peck on it.

"Honey, please close your laptop" his voice is low and raspy. The clock just hit one am and we're supposed to wake up in five hours.

My eyes switch gaze from the computer in my lap to the tired fiancé on my right. His hair is messy and really cute while he's laying on his side, facing me. I look down at his prettiness, his eyes barley opened from the bright light coming from my computer.

"I have to finish sending in my opinion about the new-" before I even have the chance to explain he shuts my computer, pushing it down to the floor and I gasp trying to pick it up but his hands take ahold on my hips, pulling me down next to me. I whine as I'm trying to get out of his grip.

"No, stay!" His hot breath breathes against my ear before a kiss is placed under my jawline, sending the usual shivers down my spine and the feeling of my own butterflies leaving their chrysalis to lift their wings and begin the life in my stomach.

"But I need to check if you broke it" I mumble as I'm turning my body to face the man of my dreams.

"I'll buy you a new one if it's broken, now sleep" he orders, pressing his lips onto forehead.

Leo telling me to 'sleep' always ends with his arms wrapped around my waist, slowly making their way under the big t-shirt of his I'm wearing.

Feeling the warmth of his hands on my skin as they slowly trace up on my back. Our lips not once breaking apart. I guide my hands and arms around his neck, pushing my tongue between his parted lips.

My are fingers tracing along his chiseled chest down to those lovely abs he has and with a heavy sigh escaping his lips, Leo immediately starts pushing me back against the mattress by pressing my shoulders.

He hovers his body over mine, holding my jaw in his hand while pushing himself down on me, not putting any specific pressure or weight on my body.

"you said sleep" I mumble as his lips traces down my neck.

"mhm" he hums with a hot breath against my skin "I know you like it" he teases, his lips tracing from my neck, up to my lips.

I wrap my arms around his neck to pull him down to my lips once again. "Yeah I do, future husband"

I feel him smirk against my lips "seven hours left, my love"

"I can't wait" I press my lips to his one last time before he moves off of me. Leo pulls me against his body, my back against his chest.

"Me too, then we're gonna make babies" I burst out laughing at his statement and he chuckles into my neck.

"Yeah we will, a bunch"

"We'll have our own football team"

Guests are arriving, filling up the seats in the big garden full of greenery and flowers blooming. Everyone is waiting for me to come walking down the aisle, Leo probably having his heart beating a million times in a minute just like mine.

I'm supposed walk out the gorgeous glass door, following the the white carpet that is placed over the rock path.

Outside my brother will be waiting with his arm, walking me down the aisle.

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