Chapter seven

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"Mel" I hear Theo shout from the kitchen.


"Dinner!" with a confused frown I quickly pull on my sweatpants, jumping out of bed before literally sprinting to the kitchen.

"Did I hear that right?" I question, my eyes wide as I realize that I did. The three guys are walking around the kitchen, Owen is chopping a few vegetables- who gave him a knife?- I watch Leo by the stove, he turns around, watching me with a smirk.

"Yes, we made dinner so can you sit down at the table?" Theo assure me and with my eyes never leaving them in the kitchen, I make my way to the table that is neatly set with wine glasses and napkins? Where did they get napkins from?

"Will you stop looking so surprised?" Owen says when he sits down next to me, pouring a glass of red wine for me. "It's just dinner" he shurgs.

"Dinner made by you? I've never seen such thing in my entire life of existence" I feel a light breeze of touch on my knee, my eyes divert from Owen and land on a handsome Leo. He keeps smiling at me and the light touch on my knee made my feel all warm on the inside. Ew stop.

"You've been blasting your depression playlist for nealry two hours which means you either saw a sad video of a puppy or you didn't get a gig you applied for" Theo states, while he places a plate of pasta carbonara in front of me.

"both" I sigh, grabbing my fork, stabbing the food before stuffing my mouth full. I let out a loud groan "mhm this is delicious"

"It's your favorite" Owen grins digging into his food. I let out a muffled sound, words that probably aren't even real words.

I divert my gaze from my best friend to my... something? Well his name is Leo and he's already staring at me with a tilt on his head, a frown forms on his lips but I only shrug my shoulders in response. 

We continue to eat the dinner and they actually made a really good job. Nine out of ten from the chef. We eat some more and we drink. A lot. I didn't want to be drinking around them, especially now because I might end up kissing Leo in front of my brother. However, one or two, possible three glasses of wine down my throat and two shots of tequila that my brother randomly placed on the table, later, equals a very drunk Melody... 

Leo Evans

Melody is drunk. Really drunk. She and Owen are laying on the floor, laughing their asses off over the fact that a kiwi is furry... Yeah. 

Out of the four of us, I'm the one who's not totally wasted. I only had a glass of wine because I saw how everyone, especially Melody, was downing all their drinks a bit too fast and I instantly made sure not to drink too much, in case I have to take care of three drunk people. 

"shit" Theo comes stumbling into the livingroom with the tequila bottle in his hand "I just did a shit" his words makes Owen and Melody cackle even more and even louder. They're both crying from the laughing. Theo joins in on the laughter and soon enough he's right on the floor beside them.

Suddenly Melody gasps and everyone looks at her "you look so sad" she says staring at me with a sad frown. "Come here" she raises her arms in the air, signaling me to go hug her. 

"All good, love" I smile at her, knowing full well that I'm not about to fall into her cuddles in front of her brother and my brother. 

Her frown grows bigger and she places her hands on her tummy, rubbing her hands in circles against her skin.

"My tummy hurts" and that's my que to get them all to bed.

"Alright, Theo and Owen go get ready for bed and I'll help Mel" they quickly nod their head at me.

"Yes, sir" my best friend laughs before dragging himself up from the floor along with my brother who's trailing behind him. 

Melody puts her arms out again and this time I lean down, pulling her up from the floor before picking her up. She wraps her legs around my waist, her arms around my neck and her head rests on my shoulder. I keep her steady in my arms by holding a steady grip around her waist.

"I'm drunk aren't I?" she whispers when I lay her down on her mattress. In response I nod my head, helping her take off her sweatpants before she crawls under her covers. 

"you need rest" I stroke my fingers against her cheek, leaning down to kiss her forehead.

"Stay with me" she takes my hand and pulls me closer to the bed "please" 

Melody lifts her covers, waiting for me to lay down next to her. I know it's a risk but the other two will be hungover as fuck in the morning so I'll probably wake up before them.

"Okay" I finally cave in and taking my jeans and shirt off, leaving me with boxers, I can finally lay down next to her. 

My arm wraps around her, bringing her closer to my chest. Melody places her head on my chest and places her arm over my stomach.

"I didn't get the model job I applied for" she mumbles in a sad tone. I lean down to kiss her head, embracing her tighter in my arms. "I was so sure I would get it and now I got so excited for nothing"

"They truly missed out on the most gorgous woman in the world" I respond, bringing her closer so I can kiss her cheek. She blushes. "You're talented and beautiful, they made a mistake not hiring you and it's their loss"

"Thank you, Leo" she looks up, staring at me with loving eyes. "Can I get that goodnight kiss even if I'm half drunk?"

With a nod, I lean down, capturing her lips with mine. A sweet and quick kiss. 

"Goodnight, beautiful" I kiss her lips again and then her forehead as she cuddles tighter to my body. She makes a quick peck on my chest before her head leans against is.

"Goodnight, pretty boy"



This is such a short chapter but it's just a filler. I find it really cute but yeah. I have so many busy weeks coming up but I'll try my  best with updates.

Have a great weekend and stay safe and education with everything going on in the world <3

My thoughts go to all the people fighting for their lives right now because of a coward behind closed doors.

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