chapter six

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It's been a few days since the whole... y'all already know. The last couple of days has been mainly exploring the nature, culture, swimming and of course eating here in Spain.

Every now and then, when Owen and Theo aren't looking, Leo either steals a kiss on my lips or cheek and sometimes he slaps my ass. Which I gladly take revenge on, slapping his ass back.

It's some risky business and I feel like a secret undercover spy. Two agents, from different organizations, forbidden love and a boss who wants them apart (aka Theodor Hunter). But although their differences and they impact from their bosses, the two falls madly, deeply in love with each other...


I'm right now dancing around on my room, my speaker bursting Freaks by Surf Curse. The sun is soon setting and currently, while having a dance and sing party, I'm tidying up on my room.

"Where I can cover my face" I sing on top of my lungs "don't cry, I'm just a freak" I scream, twirling around with my incredible dance moves and singing skills. Just then, while doing a little twirl, I sense someone in the corner of my eyes.

I stop my movements and spot Leo at the door with a grin on his face.

"oh no don't stop, I would love to see more" He smirks as I pause the music, turning to face him again.

"what do you want?" I ask crossing my arms. He close the door behind him, walking towards me with slow steps and suddenly his hand grips me by the waist, pulling me against his chest. One of his hands stays put on my hip while the other traces up my waist, my arm, up my neck where he pushes my hair out of my face.

"I reckon you drop the attitude, darling" His hand is back on my hip again. Pulling me even closer, if it's even possible.

"and why's that?" I grin, wrapping my arms around his neck, leaning closer towards his lips.

"you shouldn't push something you can't handle" He whispers, giving my hips a tiny squeeze. I tilt my head, looking down at his lips.

"You think I can't handle you?" I question, biting my bottom lip while letting my eyes travel up to his eyes once again. Our lips brushing against each other's.

He turns his head, leaning towards my ear whispering a soft "No" he places a soft kiss aginst my ear before those lips find a place behind my ear. His lips moves against the spot flawlessly while his hands starts moving under the fabric of my tshirt. I release a soft and quiet gasp, right next to his ear. My hand is placed on the back of his head, not wanting him to release his lips from my neck.

Although, my wishes did not come true. His hands left my body as fast as his lips left my skin. He pulls his body away from me and I look at him with a pout "No, I really don't" he smirks down at me. "You should probably hide that from your brother" he points to the spot where his lips just were. I'm sure his lips left it's marks but I'm not one to complain.

However, I push his chest, groaning at the lost of touch. "you're so mean" I frown at him "did you really come here to tease me and then leave" I reach for his hand and he let's me pull myself into his arms.

"No" he kisses my head as his arms embrace me tight "I was going to ask you if you wanna go on a walk?"

I place my chin on his chest, looking up at him while nodding my head. A smile in return makes me squeeze him tighter in our embrace.

"maybe change into something more..." he pauses, pushing me away from our hug, Leo takes my hand and twirl me in a circle "...wearing pants?" he looks me up and down with a smirk.

My eyes go wide remembering I was only wearing a tshirt that went to my mid-thighs. I grab a pair of shorts, pulling them over my hips and we're ready to leave.

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