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All of Wakanda was in celebration after the ceremony. Bucky and I were inseparable from that moment on. We had our wedding cake with everyone and I also threw my bouquet to the crowd of women and Nakia caught it! "You're next brother!" Shuri teased T'Challa. This caused everyone to laugh and T'Challa to turn bright red! To quickly change the subject, T'Challa announced, "The bride and groom will now share their first dance." 

Bucky and I looked at each other, smiled, and escorted me onto the dance floor. Once again our song began to play. I put my arms around him while he put his remaining hand on the small of my back, and we swayed to the music. 

    We looked at each other lovingly and I leaned my head against his shoulder like I did in the safe house two years ago. I could tell Bucky desperately wanted to pick me up and spin me around, but he only had his one arm. I felt him stroke my hair and kiss me on the forehead. "Always and forever?" I asked happily. He chuckled and nodded, "Always and forever." the song ended and we kissed. "Awww!" more applause came from the guests. 

After the wedding, Bucky and I were led to a hut on the edge of the field, and this was where we would be living. It was small and simple, but it was perfect for us. This was the most perfect night ever. 

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