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"What?!" I asked shocked. "I was just as shocked as you." Steve told me. We were having lunch in my office, he was a frequent visitor to my office and it was a highlight of my day. Like I said, Steve was one of my favorite people to talk to. He had just told me that the Secretary of State had come to talk with the Avengers and the United Nations wanted them to sign the Sokovia Accords from all the damages that they caused and the Accords would restrict some of their freedoms and if they didn't comply they would be forced to retire. "Are you going to sign?" I asked. I knew Steve had fought in World War 2 and he fought for our freedom. "No, I can't sign. I couldn't think of tearing the Avengers apart."  I knew Steve took freedom seriously and I admired him for that. "Have you told any of the Avengers?" "Just Natasha, and I'm pretty sure the others have figured it out." He said sheepishly. I smiled "Well I support you one hundred percent. If you need any help with anything I'm always here for you." I wasn't going to let Steve go through this alone. He smiled "Thanks Sadie. I know I can count on you."

Later that night...

After my last patient, I turned off  the lights in my office and locked everything up for the night. I was about to get in my car to go back to my apartment when I saw a man in the distance. He was dressed in a red shirt with a blue jacket and wore blue jeans and boots. He also wore a blue baseball cap on his dark brown hair. The man was exceedingly handsome, and it took every ounce of my being not to flirt with him. My cousin Jane would have heavily encouraged me to do so. The man looked lost and frightened, and it broke my heart.
I decided to go over to him and make sure he was okay. "Sir, are you alright?" I cautiously walked towards him. He seemed surprised that I wanted to talk to him; he had the saddest eyes. "Yes." the man answered quietly. "Do you need any help?" I asked in a gentle tone. The man smiled a small smile "Could you take me to the airport? I have no way to get there." I thought for a moment, this man seemed like he genuinely needed help. I smiled "Sure, hop in." I opened the passenger door to my car and went to the drivers side. He got in the car and gently shut the door. I noticed that he was very careful in his movements, it was as if he didn't want to break anything. Just as I was about to start my car, I turned on the radio. I looked at the man and said "Any requests?"  "Bing Crosby." he answered looking at me shyly. I smiled "A man of classics, we're going to get along just fine." I heard him chuckle as I turned the dial on my radio to the classics channel and the wonderful dulcet tones of Bing Crosby filled the car.

I started the car and pulled out of the parking lot and started the drive to the airport. "So, where are you headed?" I asked keeping my eyes on the road. "I'm going to Romania." he said avoiding eye contact with me. "Cool! I went there a few years ago for a medical seminar when I was still going to Yale. Lots of cool sites." I said trying to make conversation. "Are you going to do site seeing while you're there?" "Yeah, you could say that." he answered. "Asta e umitor!" I said in Romanian. This made him smile, and it was adorable "Foarte bine!" I chuckled "Multumiri." We drove in silence for a while, and then he asked "What's your name?" "My name is Dr. Sadie Foster. I'm a psychologist." I looked at him "What's your name?" The man looked down in shame. "I don't know." I smiled sympathetically "That's okay. It's still nice to make a new friend." I told him.
After a while I we finally arrived at the airport "Well here you go." I said with a smile. He smiled at me, his blue eyes lit up as he did so. "Thank you so much. You've been so kind." He was so attractive. I couldn't help but smile as well "My pleasure." "I hope we see each other again." "Me too." I said. He got out of my car and took the backpack he had with him; he gave me a wave before walking away into the airport. I waved back and I noticed the sleeve on his jacket fell back. I noticed his left arm was bionic.

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