Closing Doors

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       Steve volunteered to go back in time to put the Stones back where they were so there wouldn't be a tear in our timeline. He was dressed in his Quantum suit and carried his shield and Mjolnir.  "Now remember- You have to return the Stones the exact moment you got them. Or you're gonna open up a bunch of nasty alternative realities." Bruce advised Steve. "Don't worry Bruce, clip all the branches." Steve got what he needed ready. "You know, I tried to bring her back. I really tried." Bruce said. He had injured his arm after he snapped his fingers.  "I miss her man," "Me too." Steve mourned. "You know, if you want, I can come with you." Sam offered. "You're a good man, Sam. This one's on me, though."

  He came over to me and Bucky. "Now don't do anything stupid until I get back." it must have been an inside joke because Bucky chuckled and smiled, "How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you." the two important men in my life hugged as if it was for the last time. "Gonna miss you buddy." Bucky told him sadly. "It's gonna be okay, Buck,"  Steve turned to me next, "Keep him in line for me, Sadie." he said with a smile. I looked at him and then Bucky and smiled with tears in my eyes, "I'll do my best." I hugged my friend and tried hard not to cry.

  Steve made his way to the Quantum portal. "How long is it gonna take?" I inquired curiously. "For him? As long as he needs. For us, five seconds." Bruce replied. He got ready to transport Steve, "Ready Cap?" "Alright, we'll meet you back here, okay?" "You bet." Steve nodded. "Going quantum in three, two, one." Bruce announced. Steve vanished from the platform. "And bringing him back, in five, four, three, two, one." Bruce pushed a few buttons on the keypad, but Steve didn't come back. "Where is he?" Sam questioned. "I don't know, he blew right past his time stamp." Bruce was desperately trying to bring Steve back. "Get him back!" ordered Sam. "I'm trying!" answered Bruce exasperated. Bucky turned around, "Sam." he said. We turned around and saw a figure sitting on a log looking out into the lake. I got a better look to realize it was Steve, with all the years he lost back. He looked over one hundred years old. I leaned my head against Bucky's shoulder in sadness and he put his arm around me and stroked my hair.

Sam stood beside us and watched Steve. "Go ahead," Bucky invited. Sam listened and walk to the log where Steve was sitting. Bucky and I watched from a distance.

"Cap?" Sam asked. "Hey Sam." old Steve replied. He smiled kindly at him. "So did something go wrong or did something go right?" he asked. "Well, after I put the Stones back, I thought maybe I'll try some of that life Tony was telling me to get." the old man replied. "How did that work out for you?" "It was beautiful." Steve smiled. "I'm happy for you, truly." Sam told him. "Thank you." "The only thing bumming me out is the fact I have to live in a world without Captain America."

  Steve looked as if he remembered something, "Oh, that reminds me." he handed Sam his shield. "Try it on."

  Sam looked at Bucky for approval and he nodded; then he put on the shield. "How does it feel?" asked Steve. "Like it's someone else's." said Sam. "It isn't." Steve reminded him. I saw Sam blink back tears. "Thank you, I'll do my best." "That's why it's yours." the men shook hands. We saw a wedding ring on Steve's left hand. "You wanna tell me about her?" Sam asked knowingly. Steve smiled mischievously. "No, I don't think I will." I knew deep down that it was Peggy Carter.

    In all my thirty years of living, I never realized my life would be surrounded by the most amazing people in the entire world. I'm so grateful that Bucky came into my life and that he chose me to be his wife.

  He and I moved back to Brooklyn where he was from, and luckily we found the old apartment he lived in. We didn't have the heart to put Steve in a retirement home, and we wanted to make the last couple of years he had left pleasant; so we had him move in with us. Then, Bucky and I were blessed with a baby boy which we named Anthony Stephen Barnes; named after Steve and Tony. Of course we made Steve the godfather of our child. They bonded right away. It was so heartwarming to hear Steve tell Anthony stories of his adventures as Captain America and then when Anthony would play, he would take the trash can lid off and pretend it was a shield. It was so adorable to see. I was grateful that our lives were so beautiful.

One night after everyone had gone to bed. Bucky and I watched the stars from the balcony of our apartment. The stars were so beautiful that night, and then we turned on the radio and slow danced to the music. "What a wonderful life we have." I looked up at Bucky as we danced. "I couldn't agree more. I love you so much Mrs. Barnes." his eyes were full of love and happiness. "I love you too, Mr. Barnes, always and forever." we shared a kiss and spent the rest of the evening dancing to the music. My heart was filled with so much happiness. I was the wife of an amazing man, and now I'm a mother to a precious son. I am so grateful for the wonderful life I have with the Winter Soldier.

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