Before the War

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We couldn't stay hidden forever and soon the public was growing suspicious. The news was plastering our faces as wanted fugitives, I couldn't believe what was happening. Part of me knew that Tony was behind this. My suspicions were confirmed when I heard the humming of his Iron Man suit as he flew by the German airport. My coworker from SHIELD named Sharon discretely brought us our gear so that we would be prepared to fight. Soon we had everyone that supported our side: Scott Lang, Wanda Maximoff, and Clint Barton. Bucky and I were keeping to ourselves because we didn't want to be separated. I had a feeling this battle was going to be interesting, and not in a good way.

"Time to suit up." Steve told us as he pulled our gear out of the van we had ridden in. "Game time." Sam put on his mechanical wings. I took the duffel bag that had my name scrawled on it and went into the bathroom to change. In my bag was a blue stealth suit with a silver harness to hold two daggers; these were my weapons of choice when I was still working for SHIELD. I changed into the suit and put my hair in a high ponytail to keep it out of my way during the fight. I walked out of the bathroom and saw an old lady looking at me with a raised eyebrow. "Ich gehe zu einer Comic-Convention." I told her in German. She smiled excitedly "Wie aufregend!" I grinned and walked out to join the rest of the group.

When I came back I saw the remaining people were in their battle gear. Steve stood gallantly as Captain America, Sam looked stealthy as Falcon, Scott looked so excited to go fight as he did a happy dance in his Ant-Man gear, Wanda stood brave and strong with her energy surging as Scarlet Witch, Clint put on his bow and quiver and stood strong and stoic as Hawkeye, and last but not least, Bucky was wearing his black suit that showed off his metal arm. He was scared, but strong as the Winter Soldier. He looked at me and smiled at me "You look beautiful." "You look hot." I replied flirtatiously. I put my arms around him in a hug; he chuckled and kissed me softly. "Hey! Lovebirds! Are we gonna go fight or are you two gonna keep making out?" Sam was making retching noises. Sam's smart aleck comment made us laugh. Bucky still held me in his arms and smiled his handsome smile. "Let the lovers have their moment." Steve was smiling at us. I could see that he could tell Bucky meant the world to me. Suddenly we heard screaming and people rushing away from the airport. "What's going on?" Wanda asked with a terrified look in her eye. "They're evacuating the airport." Bucky said. He was fluent in multiple languages due to his brain being hardwired as the Winter Soldier. "Show time!" Scott tapped a button on the side of his helmet and a visor slid shut over his eyes. "What's the plan?" Clint asked pushing buttons on his arrows. "Scott and I will hold off Tony while Bucky, Sadie, and Sam will be look outs for any of Tony's oncoming side. Clint and Wanda, you'll stay together and wait for my signal." Steve told us. Scott's eyes lit up in excitement. "Sweet! I get to fight alongside Captain America!" he started doing his happy dance again. "Calm down fanboy." Sam teased. It was nice to have one last laugh with my friends before the fighting began.

Sam, Bucky, and I were waiting on a balcony inside the airport keeping watch on the battlefield. Tony flew through the air and Rhodes flew right next to him. My hands wouldn't stop shaking and I clenched them to make them stop, but that only made it worse. Bucky held my hand and stroked it; my nerves instantly melted away at his touch. I leaned my head against his shoulder and he kissed my forehead. "I won't let anything happen to you Sadie, I love you so much." he whispered. I smiled "I love you too Bucky, I'll be your partner in fighting crime forever. Tony's gonna have to go through me to get to you." we shared a quick kiss before the worst of the fight broke loose.

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