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            I had never seen anything like Asgard. It was like entering a different world! There was a golden palace in the distance and leading to it was a rainbow bridge that was glowing and looked like it was made of crystal. The citizens of Asgard were going about their day, there were musicians playing stringed instruments, people in elegant garb were socializing and having garden parties. This world looked like something out of a fairytale and I was staring in awe. "Hey, we gotta get the stone, Come on!" Rocket shouted and motioned for me to keep up. It was an interesting experience being yelled at by a raccoon. He was also having trouble getting Thor to keep up with him . He was shaking and attempting to run away because he was so scared. 

    We snuck into the corridor where the Queen was escorting a woman to a different room. "Do you have something else I could wear, like pants?" I immediately realized that it was Jane. "Pants?" the Queen asked. "Never mind, this will be fine. Thank you." she said. Then the Queen and her ladies in waiting left the room. Suddenly, Thor began to hyperventilate and he backed up against the wall. "What's wrong?" I asked concerned. "I can't do this. I shouldn't be here, I shouldn't have come. This is a bad idea." he said in a shaky voice. "I think I'm having a panic attack." "Thor, look at me. Take a deep breath for four seconds, hold it for four seconds, and then breathe out for four." I instructed the god of thunder. Thor awkwardly listened to my instructions, and then hurriedly gasped for air. "What sort of sorcery  is this?!" he started shaking again. I motioned for him to calm down, "It's therapy meant to help you calm down and help your mind focus on something else. You need to focus on the task at hand, to help get back not only people you lost, but who we've lost as well. Now go flirt with my cousin and help us get the Stone. You are stronger than you give yourself credit for." I looked him in the eye as I told him something I always told my patients, "You are more than your struggles." "Thank you Sadie," Thor said with a small smile. "Yeah, listen to the doc, brush the crumbs out of your beard, and get the Infinity Stone and help me get my family back. "Okay," Thor said with his eyes tearing up. "Are you crying?" Rocket asked raising a furry eyebrow. "No... yes." the god of thunder wheezed and began to sob. The raccoon slapped Thor in the face, "Get it together man!" "That's therapy right there." he boasted. I chuckled amused, "If I slapped my patients in the face then I will lose my license and my medical practice." I ran off with Rocket to be the look out incase he got caught, which he did...

Luckily we were able to find the Reality stone and we transported back to the present. Most of the teams made it back. Just then Clint appeared looking distraught, and Natasha wasn't with him. "Where's Nat?" Steve asked concerned. "She's dead," Clint answered in tears.

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