Thanos vs Humanity

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          Everyone in Wakanda was ready to take on the evil Titan Thanos and his army, and they needed to stop him from carrying out his plans of destroying half the world. Captain Steve Rogers who was now the Nomad was standing along side Bucky and Sadie, the newlyweds who were worried about this war taking each other away from them, Natasha Romanov and Sam Wilson readied themselves for battle. Wanda Maximoff and Vision were looking at each other lovingly, and little did they know it would be for the last time. T'Challa, the king of Wakanda stood along side Okoye his general of the Dora Milaje. The opposing side were raining down from the sky in their gigantic ship, and horrifying creatures were prowling towards them. "Yibambe!" T'Challa yelled. "YIBAMBE!" the Wakandans repeated. The battle cry repeated through the army, and it was a chilling sight. "YIBAMBE!"

  Bucky held his wife's hand and kissed her, "I love you, always and forever." "I love you too, Bucky. Always and forever." she returned the kiss and held onto his hand for dear life. The two had been married for only two years, and they were going to fight hard to keep each other safe. Sadie never thought she would be fighting for the fate of the world, she was frightened that she would lose more people she loved. She loved Bucky more than anyone she's ever known and she was going to fight for him and she knew he would fight for her. They both looked at each other as if it could be for the last time. Just then the battle commenced, and both sides charged. "WAKANDA FOREVER!" Sadie and Bucky stuck together while Steve and T'Challa ran ahead of the army.

       Because the two newlyweds were the best with shooting, they caught up ahead and began shooting at the alien creatures that threatened to slaughter them. The two stood back to back to create a protective barrier for them and everyone on their side. Okoye's advice was embedded in Sadie's mind: 'Remember what you're fighting for.'  She wasn't going to let Thanos take away everything that was important to her.

          An alien climbed up Sadie's back and tried to choke her. She tried to use the blunt side of her gun to get it off but it was too strong. Just as it was about to bite her and kill her, Bucky shot it in the head enough times to knock it off of her.  Sadie was traumatized by the attack, but she gratefully hugged her husband. "T-thank y-you." she said in a shaky voice. He smiled at her and gave her a quick kiss. "I told you, I'll always protect you." "And you have kept your vow well," she smiled. They ran off to continue the fight. Suddenly in the distance, a portal came down and three figures appeared: Thor, the god of thunder, a humanoid tree, and a raccoon holding a gun. Sadie recognized him from when he dated her cousin, Jane. "You guys are so screwed!" Bruce Banner shouted at the aliens excitedly.

    The Avengers looked at Thor with hope, and their fears went away for a time. Thor's eyes began to glow blue and bolts of lightning flashed all around him, he brandished his new hammer Storm-breaker and shouted "BRING ME THANOS!!!" he flew towards oncoming enemies and took down every creature that came in contact with him. Sadie and Bucky were still fighting as a team, and Rocket the raccoon climbed up Bucky's shoulder and used him as a perch to fire at oncoming aliens. "How much for the gun?" Rocket asked Bucky while he was still fighting. "Not for sale," Sadie's husband answered. "Okay, how much for the arm?" the raccoon asked. Sadie and Bucky looked at each other confused and ran off. "I'll get that arm," Rocket said to himself.

  Sadie saw that Thor had saw her, and she was about to run to avoid eye contact. She held onto Bucky as she was about to do so.  "Hello Sadie," Thor greeted as he threw his hammer at a creature and summoned it back to him. "Hey Thor, long time no see," she replied shooting at an enemy that was about to pounce. "How's life been?" the god of thunder was making casual conversation with her while in the middle of the attack. "Can't complain," she replied while trying to maintain focus on the battle.  "Got married two years ago," she smiled at Bucky. He smiled back and gave her a quick kiss. "Congratulations," Thor said proudly. "Thank you, and I'm really sorry that my cousin broke up with you." she said sympathetically. He shrugged, "Thanks, the distance wasn't really working anyway." he said nonchalantly. Sadie nodded understandingly. "Well, it was good to see you. We'll have to chat later."   Thor waved at her as she and Bucky joined hands and ran. "How do you know each other?" Bucky asked curiously. "He dated my cousin, and the broke up recently." she replied. "Must have been an awkward reunion," he said. "Yeah," Sadie said. "I'm glad we're still going strong," she looked at her husband lovingly. "Me too, darling." he smiled back. They shared a kiss that seemed to give them the energy to get through the battle and save their planet. The couple stuck together as a team.

   Their hopes were suddenly dashed when a vortex opened up, and Thanos himself stepped through it with the famed Infinity Gauntlet in hand. He looked like he was walking into a fun event he had always wanted to see. The Mad Titan smiled amused and observed the pain and destruction that he had planned out. The Avengers saw their anticipated enemy and charged him, and Thanos effortlessly levitated them out of the way like they were weightless. Bucky attempted to shoot at the evil Titan, but was lifted out of the way and the bullet from his weapon disintegrated into pieces. Thanos started looking for Vision because he had the Mind stone that he was looking for. The rest of the Avengers watched helplessly as Wanda reluctantly destroyed the Infinity stone in Vision's head. Tears streamed down her face while holding Thanos back as well, the red magic she cast enveloped the Titan and he struggled to break free. Sadie watched in awe at her friend, she was stronger than she gave herself credit for.

  The stone broke into tiny shards and they flew everywhere, and just as they were about to win the battle, Thanos had other ideas. He used the Time stone to reverse Wanda's actions and killed Vision and he threw him to the side. Vision wasn't himself anymore, he looked like a limp lifeless doll. It wasn't looking good for the group of heroes.

     Luckily Thor was there to attack the Titan and he stabbed him in the chest with Storm-breaker and Thanos screamed in agony, and he was acting like he was growing weaker by the minute. Sadie and Bucky along with the others looked on not knowing the false hope was dangling in front of their faces. "Y-You should have gone for the head." Thanos grinned and snapped his fingers and disappeared. A loud ring went through the kingdom and the silence that followed was eerie...

       "Where did he go?" Steve asked looking around. The others were trying to help the wounded, and Sadie and Bucky got up from being thrown to the ground from the impact of the snap. Sadie's world crashed down when she saw Bucky gasping for air, "Sadie?" "Bucky, what's wrong?" she asked horrified. "Babe, talk to me."  She was trying to help her husband breathe and gain his balance back, but he disintegrated in her arms, turning to dust. Her heart sank, and she collapsed to her knees and sobbed violently, "BUCKY!!!!!" her heart began to beat rapidly and her vision blurred in a torrent of tears. An evil alien had taken her husband away from her, and that hurt worse than any other torture anyone could put her through. "NOOOOO!!!!!" she screamed and cried until she couldn't breathe. Just then T'Challa disintegrated into the same dust that Bucky disappeared into, Sam was the next to disappear, the humanoid tree disappeared, and hundreds of others vanished. Thanos's plan to destroy half the world was being put in motion.

    "BUCKY!!!!" Sadie shrieked once again before succumbing to her anxiety. Everything faded to black.
Her shrieked echoed through the now empty Wakanda. Her other half was gone.

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