The Plan

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     Tony called me in the middle of the night to tell me that he had figured out a way to time travel to get all the Infinity Stones, we could make our own Gauntlet, and bring all the dusted people back. "Wait, I thought you wanted no part of this," I said confused and excited at the same time. "I didn't, but there's a lot of good people we lost." he sighed. "And I want Morgan to have the best life she deserves." "That's a noble thing to think about." I commended him. "She'll be grateful to you for that."

   I drove to Tony's house to help him out with building the time machine, and Bruce who was now the Hulk full time and Rocket raccoon helped in building. Thor had come with Bruce and Rocket, and his depression had taken a toll on him, he had completely let himself go. His hair and beard had grown long and scraggily, he wore a sweater and sweatpants and he had put on some weight. He also seemed very distracted and he was talking nonsense.

   We all came together as a team to discuss the Infinity Stones and what each of them did. When it came time for Thor to talk about the Reality Stone (because he was the one who knew the most about it) he was talking about how when he was still dating my cousin, she got the Stone trapped inside her and it almost killed her. The entire time he was talking, I was wide eyed, because she never talked about that! Scott just looked at him amused. Maybe he had a friend that rambled like that.

It finally came time to carry out the plan; which was to go back to certain points in time, retrieve the Stones, and come back to build the Gauntlet. Steve, Tony, Scott and Bruce were going back to 2012 to retrieve the Time and Space Stone, Nebula and Rhodey were going back to 2014 to retrieve the Mind Stone, Natasha and Clint were going to 2018 to get the Soul Stone, and Rocket, Thor, and I were going to 2013 to get the Reality Stone. We dressed in time quantum suits for protection.

    "Five years ago, we lost friends. We lost family. We lost a part of ourselves. Today, we have a chance to take it all back. You know your teams, you know your missions. Get the stones, get them back. One round trip each, no mistakes. No do-overs. Most of us are going somewhere we know, that doesn't mean we should know what to expect. Be careful. Look out for each other. This is the fight of our lives. And we're going to win. Whatever it takes. Good luck." Steve told us. We gathered on the platform. "See you in a minute," Natasha told all of us with a smile. Little did we know that would be the last thing she would say to us.

Tony pushed the button on the platform and we were transported to our assigned points in time. Rocket, Thor, and I landed on Asgard.

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