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Time seemed to go by in the blink of an eye and we were in Siberia. I had fallen asleep on Bucky's shoulder and his arm was around me. "Wake up Sleeping Beauty." he kissed me on the cheek. "My prince has awakened me." I flirted. We got up from our seats and grabbed some ammo and extra weapons. Steve had his shield, so Bucky and I would need weapons. Steve grabbed his shield from the storage compartment and pushed a button on the wall and the ramp started extending out. We were greeted by a snowy atmosphere and saw the bunker looming in the distance. Steve turned to Bucky "You remember that time we had to ride back from Rockaway Beach in the back of that freezer truck?" "Wasn't that the time we used our train money to buy hot dogs?" Bucky smiled. "You blew three bucks trying to win that stuffed bear for that red head." Steve teased. "What was her name again?" "Dolores, you called her Dot." "Looks like I have some competition." I teased lacing my fingers with Bucky's. "She's about a hundred years old now." he kissed me. "So are we pal." Steve patted him on the shoulder. He put on his helmet and we made our way inside the bunker.

"He couldn't have been here for more than a few hours." Steve said. "Long enough to wake them up." Bucky loaded his gun. We had our weapons at the ready. "You guys ready?" I asked ready to fire. "Ready." the men answered. Suddenly the doors were forced open and there in front of us was Tony Stark. He was holding up his hand ready to blast us and Bucky and I were ready to shoot. Tony retracted the visor on his suit "You seem a little defensive." "It's been a long day." Steve retorted. Tony saw me and Bucky still pointing our weapons. "At ease soldier, I'm not currently after you." "That's reassuring, thanks Tony." I snapped sarcastically as I slightly lowered my gun. "Then why are you here?" Steve demanded. "Your story is not so crazy. Maybe. Ross has no idea I'm here and I'd like to keep it that way. Otherwise, I gotta arrest myself." "Sounds like a lot of paperwork." he put his shield down. "It's good to see you Tony," "You too, Cap." they shook hands. Tony looked at me and Bucky annoyed. "Hey Manchurian Candidate, you two are killing me. You can drop..." he gestured for us to put our weapons down and we did so.

We were walking down a long dingy corridor, Steve and Tony were walking ahead talking while Bucky and I walked behind hand in hand. The entire time we were walking, my heart was beating so fast I could barely hear anything around me. I started shaking again, because I thought a panic attack was coming on. "You okay Sadie?" Bucky asked stroking my hand with his thumb. I shook my head, "I feel like something bad is gonna happen. Something isn't right." Bucky nodded, "Yeah, I can feel it too." he gave my hand a gentle squeeze. "Like I've said, I won't let anything happen to you." he kissed my hand. I smiled and gave him a quick kiss. "That's comforting. I'll stick by you like always." "That's a good plan." he kissed me back.

What we saw confirmed my suspicions, we didn't find rogue soldiers, but we found the place completely abandoned. There were chambers with what seemed to be sleeping soldiers. "I've got heat signatures," Tony said scanning the area. "How many?" asked Steve. "One." suddenly the lights came on and a man walked into the room. It was Helmut Zemo. "If it's any comfort, they died in their sleep. Did you really think I wanted more of you?" he sneered at Bucky like he was a bug that needed to be squashed. We raised our guns at him, ready to shoot. "Why are you doing this?" I demanded reaching for the trigger. Zemo chuckled menacingly "I want to see your precious Avengers fall the same way my country did." "You're a Sokovian, that's what this is about?" asked Steve. "Sokovia was a failed state long before you blew it to bits. No, I'm here because I made a promise." "You lost someone?" I asked. "I lost everyone and so will you. An empire toppled by an enemy can rise again. But one that crumbles from within is dead forever." a video appeared on a screen. It was a tape of a car crashing and two figures were being pulled from the car. They were Howard and Maria Stark. Bucky appeared on the screen killing both of them. I realized this was from December 16, 1991.

I looked at Bucky to find his eyes glistening with tears. He reminded me of a deer in headlights about to meet its fate. I reached for his hand and he took it like a lifeline. I saw Tony look like he was ready to blow his top. He was about to lunge for Bucky, but Steve and I stopped him. "Did you know?" he was about to start throwing punches. I had never seen Tony this angry in my life. "I didn't know it was him." Steve protested. "Stop! Did you know?" "Yes," Steve answered defensively. Tony's jaw clenched and he punched Steve so hard that he flew across the room. He knocked Bucky's gun from his hands and attempted to strike. Bucky blocked his attack with his metal arm and I attacked from behind allowing Bucky time to escape his grasp. Tony threw me to the ground as he grabbed Bucky and flew away slamming him into the floor. "STOP!!" I shrieked and ran after him. Steve was running with me to stop the attack. He helped by throwing his shield to distract Tony. "Both of you, get out of here!" Steve shouted. I helped Bucky up and we both started running for the exit. My heart was beating fast and my legs were hurting from running, but I ignored it because of the adrenaline. Tony fired a blast at us, but missed. He fired a blast again blocking our escape. We could feel the heat of the blast. He flew towards Bucky, shoving him into the wall. "Do you remember them?" he asked. "I remember all of them." he strained painfully.

I couldn't watch him hurt Bucky; I sprinted full speed towards him and kicked him in the head so hard that my impact dented his helmet. He turned around and started throwing punches, but I was blocking all of them. Just then, he was so consumed by anger that he grabbed me by the arm and threw me against the wall. I could feel my right arm break in two, my arm went numb and I screamed in agony; I held my arm against me to keep it at bay. Bucky had a look of fury and he grabbed Steve's shield to join in the attack. "How dare you hurt Sadie!" "How dare you kill my parents!" Tony yelled. My world came crashing down when Tony fired a blast so powerful that it blew Bucky's metal arm right off. The impact knocked him to the ground. I painfully made my way towards him. "Sadie." he croaked in pain as I approached him. "I'm here," I held his remaining hand. "I'm so sorry." tears slid down his face. "Like I said, you were the pawn in HYDRA's sadistic game. It's no one's fault but theirs." I was ignoring the excruciating pain in my arm and I held my true love close. I was sweating and the pain seared in my arm. Suddenly I had so much pain that I yelled in torment and fainted next to Bucky. Everything went black.

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