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Alex P.O.V

Right after work, I bought a bouquet of red roses, her favorite, and went to visit her. It was drizzling a bit so I took off my blazers and left my phone in the car before heading to the hill. 

Hopefully, it won't be pouring heavily in a while.

I walked down the sandy path towards her well-built tomb.


27.09.1996 - 24.02.2017

Her name and years lived were carved on her tomb beautifully just like the way she loves it. 

I wiped down the sand and dust accumulated on her memorial, I sprinkled some water and washed the dirt away. I placed the bouquet on them and kneeled down to have a chat. 

I don't come here often to visit, I don't like seeing the love of my life buried under this while I am miserable a couple inches above. 

I was down on my knees and was thinking about all those days I spent with her. I was happy. She makes me happy. 

Well, she made me happy then.

"I miss you, Ave! I miss you so much, baby!!!" just saying this out, tears clouded my eyes.

"I am not happy without you. You should know that. I can't stop loving you and I can't move on from what we had and have. Why does this have to be so difficult, Ave?" I whimpered in pain.

"Nothing was difficult with you, but without you I have only faced difficulties" my heart wrenched, "why did you leave me? do you know how hard is it to not be able to sleep, eat, work, go out, or just be me without you? I need you, Avery, please come back to me, just once, please baby" I was a crying mess, I miss her so much.

"I miss how we used to be, I miss holding your hands when I'm cold, I miss hugging you, I miss your smell, I miss your touch, I miss your kisses, I miss your eyes, I miss your dimples, I miss your cooking, I miss all your 'I love you' texts, I miss all your complimenting sticky notes around our apartment,.." sobbing continuously, "I miss you baby."

I cried myself to sleep on her gravestone. It was pouring cats and dogs but I didn't have the strength to get to the car, so I decided to spend the night with my girl. 

Take me with you, Avery!


Megan P.O.V

"Dad, why would you say that to Alex? You can't just force her to love or marry me." I was beyond furious when he told me everything he spoke with Alex. I wonder where she is and what she is doing. 

"Megan, I can't just watch my only daughter getting her heart broken right in front of me. I couldn't stop you from loving her but I can try my best to stop Alex from hurting you" my dad said determinedly. 

"But that is my battle to fight, not yours, and if I lose then I have to endure the pain. She is worth it dad. She is." I told my dad knowing I can't win her heart very clearly but a girl can try. To be honest, at this point, I don't mind just being by her side as a friend if not as a lover. 

"I am not fighting your battle Megan, I understand it is yours, but I just couldn't stay out of it." My dad turned to me and cupped my cheeks.

He continued, "you don't think I know how much she means to you?" he questioned, I couldn't hold back the tears, I nod my head agreeing to him.

"I have seen the way your eyes glow when you look at her, you can't stop your eyes from looking at her the moment she steps into a room, you are so in love my child, don't even try to ignore it. I am your father, I taught you how to love, which means I also know how painful it can be." I was sobbing at this. 

"It is so painful that sometimes I can't even breathe, daddy!" I told my father like I did when I was small and lost my favorite shoes at a park. He hugged me as tightly as he could just like how he does when I was younger. 

"You'll get past this Megan, but.." he pulled back, placing a finger under my chin to lift my face up to him, and said "promise to never stop loving and never give up" I nodded my head. 

I promise I won't give up on her daddy.


*A few hours later*

Dad went home after cooking me a good meal as a reward after making me cry the whole afternoon. That man just knows me so well. 

Well, he is your father dummy

Argh yes, he is.

I was thinking of when Alex said she does like me more than a friend. It is a relief to know she at least feels something for me if not love. I think I can live with that. 

No, you can't. You need more than just feelings.

Actually, I just realized we haven't talked much today. Plus, with everything that dad spoke to her, I wonder if she would even talk to me again. 

I pout at the thought of her shutting me out again, it was pure torture not having to talk to her the last time we had a heart to heart conversation where she cried herself to sleep and I held her that night. 

I should probably call and talk to her before she shuts me out again. 

I took my phone out of my pocket and called Alex, but the call didn't go through. I tried a couple of times but it kept going to voicemail. 

Maybe she is busy at work or her phone ran out of battery. So I left it at that and wanted to take a short nap since my eyes were burning after those intense crying earlier. I switched off my laptop and went to bed. 

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