Why did he do that?

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Megan P.O.V

Wednesday 4.03.2020

'Shit, why couldn't he just let me deal with it?' 

While I was internally bashing my father for doing such a thing, Alex said something that caught me out of breath.

"Megan, are you in love with me?" 

I was beyond speechless. I wanted to scream at her and say 'I fell for you the moment my eyes laid on you'. 

Guess what, I couldn't hide it anymore, so I followed my heart without thinking about the consequences. 

"Alex, I fell for you the day I saw you. And I fell more and more in love with you when you speak about how much you love Avery. I admire the love you have for her and I envy that so much." I honestly told her my feelings, I don't care what she thinks but I can't keep it in me anymore.

My confession seemed to make her a bit uncomfortable, so I continued. 

"Alex, I don't want to force you to understand, I am just being honest with my feelings for you. You asked, I do, I love you so much and I have never loved someone as much as I love you. I know that even if I can't act on it, I just want you to know." 

She was still quiet but she kept looking at me as if she had a question. 

My hands were shaking and I gave her a small smile, telling her it's okay to ask anything she wants, so she did.

"Why me?" Alex whispered.

"Why not you?" I answered her question with a question. 

She sighed heavily, faced away from me, and continued, "Cause, I am broken beyond repair, I am lifeless, grumpy, empty...and I can't stop loving her" she spilled like a lost puppy, her voice getting lower at the end. 

I leaned closer to her and brought her hand to hold in mine, she flinched a bit but she didn't push my hand away. 

"Alex, you're not broken, you're just upset over the loss of the love of your life. Look at you, you're still one of the best lawyers in London, that's not how a broken person is. And, you don't have to stop loving Avery or stop thinking of her to move on."

That did it. She looked at me when I said that. Her eyes held so much pain, looking at them made my heart clench, I have never seen her this vulnerable before. 

"Hey", I pulled her closer in a hug and whispered, "Sweetie, you don't have to forget her existence to move on, you need to celebrate her existence to keep her living in your memories" 

Alex started sobbing so hard that she was heaving and she could no longer hold her grievances in as she poured out all her feelings in a pool of tears. 

It was heart wrenching to see her in such pain. She was a disheveled mess. It was hard to see her like this since she was always the tidy and neat Alex who walks with her head up like she owns the world and she is proud of herself.

I couldn't stop myself from pulling her into a tight embrace, letting her snuggle my neck and let out her cry as much as she wanted, I just couldn't let her go. She's everything that I want and need. 

It took her hours to muffle her sobs slowly. She looked relief when she pulled back. It took her a while but she broke the silence soon as she whispered " I'm sorry, I didn't mean to drench your clothes with my tears".

I chuckled slowly at that and said, "That's okay, how do you feel now? "

Her lips trembled again at that. 

I cupped her cheeks in mine making her look at me, "hey, let it all out, I am gonna be here as long as you want me, I will listen to everything you have to say without any judgements, I promise" I assured her smiling the best I could.

The night went on with her crying whenever she felt the emotions and I held her right there as much as she needed me to. We didn't speak but our hearts beat together in harmony. We soon fell asleep, holding each other as if our lives depend on it. 

'I don't know about her, but my life literally depends on her'. 

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