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Alex's P.O.V

My brothers made me promise I would come home this Christmas. I haven't spoken to my mom or dad yet but from what my brothers say, they can't wait to see me. My brothers assured me that they are no longer mad at me, I can only hope its the truth. 

Megan and I spent 2 weekends buying gifts for my family. Since this would be the first time for Meg to spend her Christmas without David, I made sure to inform him in advance and we spent an early Christmas with him. That went splendidly well. He was always the father that I never had after coming out to my real parents. 

He was happy that I'm finally going to see my family again. It wasn't as easy. It took lots of pleading and convincing by both, my brothers and Megan. 

I was afraid to go see my parents and be disheartened again. Especially on Christmas. I felt like an insecure child. If it wasn't for my brothers and Megan, I don't think I would be doing this. 

They assured me that my parents loved me and that they've been dying to see me. 

I just wish its true. I may not know what's going on in my father's head. He can be very unpredictable and stubborn just like me. 

That's why he's your father, dingo

"Are we ready to go babe?" Megan asked while straightening her dress and holding our coats on one hand. There were smoke when she breathed out. It was freezing, though the snow is not too bad this year, it was still cold nevertheless. 

"Yeah, let's go", I followed behind her unlocking the doors and finally we were on the way to my childhood home. 

The whole ride was consumed by silence, it was good silence though. I was just nervous and excited to be home again. Megan was evidently nervous too, her legs were bouncing up and down. 

Placing my free hand on her knee stopping her legs from bouncing, I spoke breaking our silence. 

"Are you nervous babe?", I chuckled when she was startled by my touch.

She released a deep long breathe and nodded yes. 

"Don't be. They're going to love you. And if they don't, we'll walk right out the door", I said assuring her but that wasn't as assuring as I thought it would. 

She smacked the back of my head, earning herself a laugh when I looked at her with pure shock in response. 

"What was that for?" I grunted with a pout. 

"We are not walking out no matter what. We'll stand our ground and show them how much we love each other", she said squeezing my hand on her knees. 

"But what if you get uncomfortable? Shouldn't we leave if we feel unwelcomed?" I asked wanting to know what she would do when or if that happens.

"No matter what. We are not running away honey. If they can't accept us for who we are, then we'll make them understand. And that's our goal for this Christmas", I smiled nodding proudly and continued driving. 

It wasn't a long drive, just 4 hours from where we live. Nevertheless, due to the traffic for the Christmas holidays, we ended up reaching in 6 hours. 

Driving on the route to my childhood home after 6 years felt nostalgic. It brought back all the memories, both good and bad. 

Putting the car in park, Megan placed her lips on mine, giving me a quick peck. This was her way to encourage me and let me know that I have her for support if at all anything goes wrong.

"I love you", I sighed preparing myself to walk in the war of my life.

"I love you too baby. Now let's go meet my in laws" she excitedly got out of the car, without waiting for me to even open her door. 

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