Daily Routine

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Alexandra P.O.V

Saturday  6.02.2016

The alarm was blaring on my night stand and I groaned before turning around to hit the snooze button. Once I turned that off, she snuggled closer to my neck and started pecking my soft spot which she knew well that it tickles me. 

"Good morning, love" I said while kissing on her temple and nuzzling my nose into her hair taking her smell in. 

'I love the smell of her ' i thought in my head.  

" Morning, baby, what's the time?" she asked. 

" It's half past seven, love". 

"Why do you have to wake up so early, it's Saturday babe..", she whined sleepily. 

I chuckled listening to her morning voice that sounded hoarse and low. 

" Well, you can go back to sleep or you could come for a jog with me and maybe spend some quality time together this morning," I dragged the 'or' and chuckled while she looked at me with big eyes as if I am being absurd. 

" Babe, can't you just sleep in one day, just today, please,.. I just want to cuddle with you and never wake up", she whined with her puppy eyes and pouty lips making me roll my eyes inwardly. 

She knows I am whipped, and the combination of those two just makes me comply with anything she wants. 

I grunted in accepting her 'biased' offer " Fine, just today, and do not ever use those eyes and lips in manipulating me ever", I said and saw her rolling her eyes while smirking. 

She snuggled closer and sighed contently making me tighten my hold on her, never wanting to let go.

We stayed like that for hours, just embracing each other, and planting soft pecks and kisses here and there, smiling and blushing at how mushy we are. 

I never knew that was the last time I would be able to hold her close, and not buried six feet under.


Current day...

Monday 2.03.2020

I was startled by the alarm blaring in my ear. I jolted up awake and realized it was all a dream just like everyday for the past 3 years. 

I threw my blanket away and walked to the bathroom like I just survived a zombie-apocalypse.  

It never stops hurting, does it? I sighed feeling a part of my heart hurting and just empty, numb

I took a shower as quickly as possible and got ready to work. Work has been the only thing that kept me focused and alive for the past 3 years.

'Shit, it's been 3 years already and I still can't get my shit together, what the hell am I doing '  I debated internally just like I do everyday. 

I promised her, I will take care of myself, but here I am digging myself more into work everyday, hoping I could just collapse and die so I could meet her soon.

I laughed pathetically at myself for even thinking like that. Who would think that a lawyer like me would be so pathetic and lifeless when I have all the money and fame that people are striving their entire lives to earn. 

'But money and fame don't make you the happiest, only love can do that'.

And I failed to protect mine, I failed her, yet it's me here and not her. 

Before I ramble more about my shitty sorry life for non stop, I just ate a slice of toast with peanut butter and get to work, it was indeed a busy day, it's Monday after all. 

I have plenty of time to talk about how lifeless I am, in fact, these days it seems like that is the only thing I talk about.

I sighed not wanting to think about things that depress me and got into my car heading to work, Hilton Law Firm. My second home and the only place that keeps me sane. 

PS: Hi guys, this is my first attempt in writing here, so please do support and comment or tell me if you liked this chapter. Feel free to share and provide more ideas to me. Thank you and have a great day ahead. 

Love you guys, ❤😍😘👌😁!!!!

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