I'm sorry Sophie

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Alex P.O.V

I arrived at Waffle Town 5 minutes earlier than I should. It's just how I am, I hate to be late for any sort of meeting, regardless if it is official or unofficial. 

I ordered an espresso and kept looking between the door and my watch. I decided to wait until 6.15 if she's not here by then, I'm leaving. 

Just then when I took a sip of my drink, she walked through the door, draped in an oversized jacket, skinny jeans, leather boots and she looked pale like she's really desperate and weak.

I stood to greet her with a handshake (dumb, I know), which she replaced by pulling me into a tight hug. I froze at the sudden move, I didn't expect this, I was supposed to just come here and tell her to stop bothering me, not comfort her. 

After a few seconds, I hugged her back too. 

I couldn't stop myself, I have missed her. We used to be so close before all went down the hill.

Sophie released me from her hold, pulled back a little, and smiled at me, "I've missed you, so much" her voice hitched and a tear rolled down a cheek. 

I wiped her tears with my thumb and smiled back, "I've missed you too, my little bean".

"Come let's sit down and order first", I urged her to have something first before we began the topic I'd been dreading to have. 

She looks different now, in a good way. She has grown so much, since we last met, that's a first. We're the same height now, which is weird but acceptable. There's something missing, the light in her eyes, both of them had the same ocean blue eyes, she's always looked at me with love and passion whilst Sophie always looked at me with admiration like a little kid that found her sugar stash, and that is missing. 

"Why are you looking at me like that ?" Sophie sounded offended as if I was judging her appearance. 

I sat up in my seat and began to clear the miscommunication, I didn't want to fight with her, at least not in public. 

"Sophie, hey, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. It's just, you've grown so much since we last met, and I'm really happy to see you now, though I did act like an asshole for weeks". I apologized genuinely.

She smiled at the word I used to describe myself, it is true. I wonder why I'd refused to meet her, I've really missed Sophie, we used to be so close and always together. She was the best friend I ever had while growing up. She's like a sister I have always craved to have. 

"It's okay Alex. How have you been?" she asked suddenly excited to know about me. 

"I've been hard on myself for way too long that I am finally fine now. I don't know if I should be telling you this, but I met someone, like a year ago, and we've been dating for a couple of months now. She's amazing and I am happier now, thanks to her. I would really love for you to mee..." she stopped me abruptly. 

What is with everyone interrupting me when I speak? Can't they just wait for me to finish?

Maybe if you stopped a bit here and there, people would not be interrupting you, you dumbass

"Alex, there's something you need to know."

I was startled by the sudden seriousness in her voice. 

I urged her to continue with a nod. 

"It's about my sister, Avery."

My heart raced to hear her name after so long, perspiration ran down my forehead and palms. 

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