The Great Decision

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Before we get started you should know that there is a patient, her name is Lucy Fields and she has a very dangerous tumor on her kidney and she needs surgery. Meredith has a brilliant plan that would save her life even for a little longer than a couple months. But the only problem is none of the other doctors will listen to her because they are to busy arguing about there ideas. Now all Meredith has to do is speak up. She is afraid that if she speaks up the crew will steal her idea. What will she do?

Meredith's POV in the problem part one
"I have to do something!" Meredith thought. "But what could I possibly do? I fear that if I speak up I will loose my job because my boss, Owen Hunt isn't the best Chief we've had. He never listens to anyone but himself." "That's it!" Meredith thought. " He only listens to himself, so all I have to do is make him think it was his idea." So that is just what she did. She went up to Owen and said, "Owen,I think I found a way that we could piece together what to do." So she started to tell him bits and pieces of her brilliant idea and then he pieces together the other pieces. Then Owen says, " I know what we are going to do." Then everyone starts to whisper saying, " Does he really know what he is talking about...... I don't think so." Then Meredith says, " Everyone quiet!! This plan will work I even reviewed it so just give it a chance." The whispers stop, everyone's ear widen as they listen to the brilliant plan Meredith came up with. "The only thing I wish was I could have gotten credit for the idea." But she didn't want to get fired, so she just stayed quiet.

                Owens POV in the problem part one
"Everybody calm down." Owen says. "We have to work together to find out what is wrong with the patient." Owen was confused because then everyone started staring at him with a weird, confused face. Then Owen says, "What!?" Then everyone whispers, "You mean so you can take the credit for what WE find." Then Owen says, "Just get to work.!" So that is what's they do. They all start doing research on the idea. Then Derek finds an amazing article in the idea and then gives it to Owen, as Owen reads it he is fascinated

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2021 ⏰

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