Chapter Six

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"Why do I have to wait a month before becoming Master WIndu's padawan?" Obi-Wan had picked me up from where Master Yoda had left me in the library and we were walking back towards my new room, "I mean you are taking me to the padawan dormitories right?"
"You are going to be given a very quick basic learning in lightsaber combat and the force among other things, all younglings learn it along with at least a language or two and the next class of younglings to make lightsabers finish in a month so it only makes sense for you to go with them, Master Windu is known for pushing his padawans hard and he expects a lot out of them so basic learning will stop him from having to teach you everything." I nodded and we walked in silence the rest of the way.

Obi-Wan had managed to get me the room next to Anakin saying he thought I would be more comfortable there instead of with people I didn't know, not that I knew Anakin well but at least I'd met him.

And so it began. Every day I woke up and greeted Anakin as he went off to train with Obi-Wan and joined the younglings, sometimes in the library where Master Jocasta constantly told me to be quiet when I breathed to loudly which of course led me to breathing extremely loudly much to her annoyance and the other members of my class' amusement, other times I was with Master Yoda learning how to wield a lightsaber, I caught up relatively quickly but I was not nearly as good as some of the others who had been doing it since they were toddlers. I didn't not get along with the younglings but I didn't exactly get along with them either. Apparently only training for a month and then getting to become a padawan and Mace Windu's padawan at that was something of a novelty and a source of endless whispering which of course led me to just hang out with Anakin more.

We grew close and he taught me quite a bit about droids which annoyed R2 to no end but it was useful and I continued teaching him bits and pieces of Mando'a and in return he taught me bits a pieces of the languages he had been learning. I also got an entire introduction to Padmé Amidala, Queen of Naboo, without actually ever meeting her. Anakin was completely infatuated and could go on and on for hours about how pretty and clever and amazing and gorgeous and pretty and clever.... it was endless but it was nice to see he had some friends outside of the Jedi Order. Not that he had many within the order.

Master Windu came around once a day to... I don't know what he was doing maybe getting to know me? Anyway we talked about random stuff, he told me about missions he had been on with his previous padawan who was now a Jedi Master on the council and I told him about Mandalore... or what I could remember of it. He gave me some basic lessons in different forms of lightsaber combat which he technically wasn't allowed to do but I don't think that particularly phased him. His lightsaber is a really awesome purple colour which is apparently super rare because it means it's user mixes dark and light side techniques which is unorthodox but I think it's super cool. Master Windu also went into the process of making a lightsaber which just got me more excited, it involves lots of meditating though which didn't sound fun.

Finally after what felt like years Obi-Wan finally came by to tell me that we were going to tomorrow, I couldn't help the grin and Anakin let out a little whoop of joy and gave me a massive hug. Obi-Wan patted me on the back and left us to our celebrating, not that it was a big thing to celebrate but it felt like an achievement nonetheless.

Ok so lightsabers. I think I'm going to go with a white saber that's not actually white because that would involve finding a red crystal so it is a very light purple and at some point she will get another saber that can join with the current one so she can have dual lightsabers, a double lightsaber or just use one because that would be really cool. This is all just building up to the movies and essentially the Mandalorian so I am going to several relatively large time jumps as I'm finding quite hard to write about padawans and stuff as there is not a lot of stuff on it so I will mainly be incorporating into movies and tv series Xx

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