Chapter Sixteen

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The war didn't start slowly, it didn't wait for anyone to prepare, no, after that first battle it was like someone flipped a switch and suddenly everything was happening all at once. Anakin, Norah and I were made into Jedi Knights not long after Geonosis, Master Windu and Obi-Wan said it was because we had proved ourselves worthy but we all knew that was a lie, they needed more Generals for the war and the Jedi Knights and Masters were Generals while the Padawans were Commanders, and only a few at that. Apparently we were skilled enough to become Jedi Knights but I couldn't help but wonder if it was rushed, if we were really ready but we had little choice. The ceremony was quick and we were given little time to get used to our new role. Anakin and I got command of the 501st, Master Windu and Master Yoda didn't quite trust him to do it by himself which he found highly offensive and I desperately tried not to find amusing however I wasn't with him all the time, I also helped command the 212th and the 187th legions, Obi-Wan's and Master Windu's respectively.

Almost as soon as Anakin became a Knight Obi-Wan put in a request for a new padawan, something I found odd considering that he had never not had a padawan in his time as a Jedi Knight and I would think he would want to catch a break after dealing with Anakin for ten years but that seemingly wasn't the case. The Jedi Council agreed with me though, well I would assume they did because they gave the padawan to Anakin instead of to Obi-Wan. Master Windu told me that I was to make sure his new padawan didn't get too influenced by Anakin's ways and that he and the rest of the council hoped it would tone down his recklessness and teach him patience and to help him grow. I didn't bother to point out that I wouldn't exactly be a good influence on any young Jedi either but it worked, kind of, he did stop being so self centered and slightly more patient although I don't think you could say he grew any less reckless seeing as we broke the Jedi code every few days.

We were fighting on Christophis when the padawan arrived, none of us were expecting her and I definitely wasn't expecting her to be the togruta I had helped out a few months prior with dual saber combat but seeing the look on Anakin's face when she said she had been assigned to him made that entire battle so so much better and by the end of it Ani actually decided not to complain to the Jedi Council and Obi-Wan looked slightly less worried at the thought of Anakin having a padawan. Of course as soon as he had accepted Ahsoka I immediately began begging him to get her dual lightsabers, she had show promise that day and he said he would think on it, of course he did eventually get her a second saber and I ended up teaching her which caused us no end of laughs and problems but I was happy that our little family was growing because no matter how much we denied it we were a family, Anakin, Padme, Obi, Ahsoka, 3PO, R2 and I, even a whole hoard of clones, especially Rex. The Jedi Order may have rules against it but no one can stop loving just because they are told not to, that lack of understanding was one of the bigger reason we lost the war, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

There are too many stories to tell in the time and space we have, I was there with Anakin for the majority of the war, sometimes with Master Windu so if you know the stories then you will know what happened and I will just tell a few of the more exhilarating and interesting tales and I'll try not to take up too much of your time because there is a lot more of this story to come after the Clone Wars.

I'm on half term break now so I should have more time to write but please be patient as I am only about half way through the Clone Wars and I'm working my way through them slowly but steadily, I will try and release new chapters as often as I can but it may take longer. Thank you for all the support and if you want to check out the new fic I am writing about Rhea in the world of the X Men then it is called The Mutant Link Xx

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