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Arjun, Subhadra, Krishna and Abhimanyu entered the Virat gates, all were present to welcome them.

But before Abhimanyu could enter, an arrow stopped his way by lighting a line of fire. All looked at it confused and suddenly Panchali and Sagarika came from behind.

"Before entering the palace, answer us who are you, truly ?" Draupadi asked.

"Panchali, he is son of Bhabhishree Subhadra, Abhimanyu." Nakul said.

"We know his name and relation to us. We want to know who he truly is." Sagarika said. Arjun smiled understanding this was a test.

"Abhimanyu careful, give an answer which know one here knows. Tell your mothers who you truly are." Arjun said.

"I am the arrow of my father, I will bathe in blood myself but will give glory to him. I am the shield of my brothers, I shall stand in front of them during the times of struggle and behind them during peaceful times. But before all I am the Kajal of my Jyesht Mata Panchali and Choti Mata Sagarika's eyes. Whenever there will be tears in their eyes, my entire existence will be washed away." Abhimanyu said.

Sagarika and Draupadi smiled proudly and then looked at Sudeshna who lowered her gaze. Abhimanyu got off the rath and the line of fire extinguished as he kept his foot on it. He came in front of Sagarika and Draupadi, who had tears seeing him.

"By shedding tears do you want to me to die before the war ?" Abhimanyu said.

"Don't say that !" Draupadi said cupping his face.

"You are wicked Subhadra Jiji ! Why did you give birth to our son ?" Sagarika said.

"He is your son only Sagarika." Subhadra said.

"He indeed is ours. And till the end of time the name of my son will be immortalized." Sagarika said said caressing his face.

Abhimanyu bent down to touch their feet but they both stopped him and embraced him instead, he too had tears in his eyes, he waited so many years to be embraced by his mothers Panchali and Sagarika.

"Lets go inside putra." Panchali said.

They all went inside and started having their lunch, the women were standing on one side making sure all eat nicely.

Sagarika and Draupadi couldn't help but smirk looking at Uttara and Abhimanyu who both kept stealing glances at one another. Krishna too smiled seeing them both, he then looked at Sagarika and Draupadi who gestured him to go forward.

"Maharani Sudeshna, even in the full Aryavart you didn't find a suitable groom for such a beautiful daughter ?" Krishna asked. Sagarika, Draupadi and Arjun smiled looking at Uttara.

"We were going to organize a swayamvar for her this year Vasudev, but you declared a war. God knows how many suitable princes will be still be alive till the war ends." Maharani Sudeshna said sighing.

"Then how about we get Uttara married before the war ? We still have 4 months left before the war." Krishna suggested.

"But how will we organize a swayamvar in just 4 months ?" Sudeshna asked.

"What is the need to organize a swayamvar ? Here, there is Uttara herself and the groom is also present." Krishna said gesturing at Abhimanyu.

Abhimanyu looked at everyone nervously and Uttara blushed at the thought of marrying him.

"Maharaj Virat, if you deem it correct then have Uttara and Abhimanyu married at the earliest. Abhimanyu has the blood of Yadavas and Kurus running through his veins and Uttara has the blood of the great Matsya kingdom. With their wedding their will an amalgamation of three great dynasties." Krishna said.

"It would be an honor Vasudev." Virat agreed.


ye cha krishne guna sfita

pandveshu cha ye guna

Abhimanyo kilekastha

drishyante gunsanchaya

dhnanjaysya rupena

vikermain suten cha

vinaayat sehdevasya 

sdrushya nakulsya

Abhimanyu ! Abhimanyu ! Abhimanyu !

He whose qualities have spread in the all known world.
He who has the qualities of the Padavas.
He is Abhimanyu, he is flexible
He accumulated qualities from Krishna.
His face is like Dhananjaya's (Arjuna)
He is full of the heard knowledge (i.e. Vedas).
Who has the humility of Sahdeva,
He, who deminishes his enemies,
He is Abhimanyu, Abhimanyu, Abhimanyu.

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