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The Kauravas and their companions burst into laughter as Duryodhan and Dushashan dragged and pushed the ladies on the ground. The Pandavas looked at them, hesitantly.

Sagarika looked at Arjun, he diverted his teared gaze. She then looked at Nakul and Sehdev they too diverted their gaze in helplessness. Sagarika and Draupadi looked at each other, they realized the Pandavas cannot save them now. The Pandavas lowered their gaze in shame.

Sagarika's payal fell down when she was being dragged and pushed by Duryodhan, Arjun caught it and cried holding it close

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Sagarika's payal fell down when she was being dragged and pushed by Duryodhan, Arjun caught it and cried holding it close. He promised her that he'll protect her and now he was crying helplessly.

Both Sagarika and Draupadi broke into tears but wiped them as they angrily stood up, if no one is going to speak for them they might as well do it themselves.

"Maharaj !! What kind of practice is being conducted at the royal Court of Hastinapoor !?!" Sagarika asked.

"Maharaj, we are daughter-in-laws of the Kuruvansh ! We are the prestige of the Kururashtra ! And we are being brought here like some animal ! WHY !!" Draupadi questioned.

"Pitamah, you're the most glorious one in the entire Aryavart, you're the son of Mata Ganga herself. How can you remain silent on seeing this kind of behavior conducted in front of your eyes !?!?" Sagarika asked. Pitamah broke into tears.

"Guru Dron, you're a father figure to me. Then why am I being treated like this ?" Draupadi asked.

"Maharaj your sons are conducting heinous acts and this is bringing you dishonor !! WHY DON'T YOU STOP THEM ?!?!" Sagarika said.

"A dasi has to carry out her master's orders." Dhritrashtra said.

"Dasi !?" Draupadi and Sagarika said at the same time.

"Dasi am I ?!? What makes me a Dasi !?!" Sagarika asked.

"Our questions has still not been answered by Arya Yuddhistir !! By losing himself in the game, he had lost all his rights on me !!" Draupadi said.

"And Panduputra Yuddhistir had no rights on me whatsoever, THEN HOW COULD HE STAKE ME !?!" Sagarika said.

"I question the entire court !! What kind of righteousness is this ?!?!" Draupadi asked.

"Why are you questioning the court ? Ask your husband ! Slave Yuddhistir answer them !" Duryodhan ordered.

"Answer us Arya !" Draupadi said.

"Tell me Jyesht what right did you had on me that you staked me ?!" Sagarika asked.

"Wife of younger brother is equivalent to a Daughter, I staked you from this right. Family members have a rights on each other." Yuddhistir said.

"No one stakes their daughter in gambling, Jyesht !!" Sagarika said as tears fell from her eyes.

"Arya Yuddhistir, wife is not a mere family member ! Wife is a better half ! On a man's death his family definitely feels sad, but it's only his wife who becomes a widow." Draupadi said.

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