Chapter 1: Hijackers

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Tyler's phone rings causing her to answer it as she realises who's phone number it is."Just packed up a real money load and it's coming your way. Look for "Rodgers" on the truck's side. Don't forget my share of the deal" the guy says, causing a smirk to appear to Tyler's mouth. It was just what she needed right now. She tells Dom and the others before they head out to get there Honda Civics, they head out into the night and finally find the truck they are looking for. Tyler quickly pulls in front of the trucks as Dom and Leon get on either side of it. Tyler and Letty quickly fist bump before Tyler stands through the sunroof and shoots on the glass to the truck. Letty speeds up before Dom pulls in behind her and Vince stands through his sunroof. Letty drops back to where Dom and Vince jumps onto the truck before driving the truck down a road where there are construction signs and cones. Leon pulls back behind the truck as it becomes one lane and Letty slides underneath the truck until the lane opens back up again, after that they then deliver the truck before getting paid.

The next day after everyone got up, they all decided to join Dom and Mia at the diner. They all took there own car before pulling up to the diner. Letty was the first one out followed by Tyler."Talk to me Jesse. Thsi aint working, brother" Vince says as he gets out of his car. They all gather around the hood of his car with Tyler and Leon on one side as Leon wraps an arm around Tyler's shoulders. Letty stands between Jesse and Vince on the other side.

"It's your fuel map. It's got a nasty hole. That's why you're unloading in third" Jesse says explaining as he looks under the hood."I told you it was third" Tyler says as she walks over to the other side of the hood."I'll lengthen the injector pulse a millisecond. Just tune the NOS timer, you'll run nines, Jesse says before Vince grabs his head to face it towards a bright red truck.

"What's up with this fool? Is he sandwich crazy?" Vince questions as they all look inside to see Mia speaking to a blonde man."No he aint here for the food, dog" Leon says causing Tyler to roll her eyes."Chill out. He's slinging parts for Harry, man," Letty says as she lightly slaps Leon.

"I know what he's slinging," Vince says before they start walking towards the diner."He's trying to get into Mia's pants, dog," Leon says which earns him a slap from Tyler."What's up guys?" Mia says as they walk inside. Jesse, Leon, and Letty all head over to the sunglasses rack as Vince sits down beside the man.

"How you doing Mia?" Tyler says before continuing her way to where the others were standing."Hey, Dom. You want something to drink?" Dom holds up his beer without even looking at Letty. Letty rolls her eyes before walking back to Leon, Jesse and Tyler."He's beautiful," Jesse says as he grabs a pair of sunglasses."I like his haircut" Leon says causing Tyler to look at the guy and laugh.

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