Chapter 7: Team

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That same night Mia was in her bedroom panicking walking back and forth when Tyler enters her room. "What's up eith you, are you okay? Tyler asks. Mia stops in the middle of her room and looks at Tyler who's at the door. "No i'm not, I have no idea what i'm going to wear and Brian is picking me up in an hour" Mia says panicky. "Calm down, is that why you kept walking back and forth?" Tyler asks and Mia nods. "Don't worry i'll help you get ready now go get a shower you'll have an outfit out here waiting for you and I will do your makeup and hair" Tyler says as she makes her way to Mia's wardrobe. "Thank you Tyler your a lifesaver" Mia says as she grabs her towel and exits the room heading to the bathroom.

A few minutes had passed and Mia came back into her room seeing an outfit placed on her bed she smiled. "Do you like it? Tyler asked her appearing from the wardrobe, Mia nodded. "Aww i'm glad now go get your outfit on so I can do your hair and makeup" Tyler said to her smiling before she turned around to get the makeup out Mia said something. "Tyler, my brother really likes you and I can tell you really like him, he deserves someone like you." Tyler starts blushing and says to Mia "Thanks Mia." Tyler does Mia's makeup and hair and then leaves the room and heads downstairs, the boys were watching a film when she sat next to Dom on the sofa Brian was there waiting for Mia, then all you see is a shadow coming downstairs. Me, Dom and Brian look up from the movie when we see Mia walking towards us. "You ready for our date O'connor?" Mia asked teasingly. Tyler just smiled and Dom noticed. "Yeah I am" Brian answers, they leave after she thanks Tyler for helping her.

"So, how is it, anyways that the gang came to be?" Brian asks Mia while they're on their date.
"What?" Mia asks confused.
"The gang?" Brian asks again.
"The gang? No they don't call themselves a gang" Mia says with a laugh.
"What do they call themselves?" Brian asks trying to find out information.
"They're a team, they call themselves a team" Mia says laughing again.
"All right, how did the team come to be?" Brian asks.
"Well, that's a whole lot of history" Mia tells him.
"I've got time" Brian smiles.
"Okay, Vince grew up with my brother. Actually he didn't ever actually grow up, as you can tell. But they were friends as kids, and Letty she just lived down the streer. Alwyas into cars, though. Ever since she was like 10 years old, so naturally she was hanging around. Tyler moved here when she was 15 with her adoptive family, her and me became very close in school so I introduced her to the team, she was also into cars, so my brother always had her attention. She's the only one who has ever beaten him in a race, they've both always like eachother but Letty and Dom had a thing going on so she didn't ruin it because she was scared for what her and Letty's friendship would lead to if she told her that she liked Dom, but yeah Tyler and Dom they've always had something there even if they both didn't realise it in the beginning" Mia says. "How does Jesse fit into the whole thing?" Brian asks. "Jesse. Well Jesse and Leon just sort of showed up one night and never, ever left" Mia anseers him with a smile. "It's just the way my brother is ya know, Dom's like, he's like gravity. Everything just gets pulled to him. Even you." "No" Brian says. "No, the only thing that pulled me in was you, being friends with your brother is just a bonus." "That's good" Mia says smiling. "That's good, it's nice to come first every once in a while."

Letty and Tyler are in the garage to help with the car. Tyler puts the decal on the car with the help of Letty. Leon and Dom are working on setting up the NOS, after they finish Letty and Leon leave and Tyler moves on to working on her car, Tyler rolls out from her car, before Dom walks over towards her. Tyler gets up from under the car, they were now a few cm. They look at eachother before she pulls Dom in and kisses him, as they are kissing Dom's hands make their way down to Tyler's waist, and they continue kissing until Dom breaks his lips from Tyler's. "We can't do this, as much as it's good. I wanna take it slow, I don't want to take advantage of you" Dom says. "Yeah I get it, no worries" Tyler says as she gets a cloth and wipes her hand and makes her way out of the garage.

The next day the team are at the garage finishing of the car's final touches.
"You ready for this?" Letty asks, while Brian and Dom get into the car. They're drving around making sure everything works good when they come across a red light and they pull up beside a Ferrari. "Nice car. What's the retail on one of those?" Brian asks the guy who is driving. "More than you can afford pal" The guy says as he revs his engine "Ferrari." "Smoke him" Dom says to Brian. As soon as the light turns green they take off. The cars stay side by side until there is two cars in front of them. Brian had to weave through the traffic in the other than before they are beside the Ferrari again in front of the two cars. Brian then takes the lead and leaves the Ferrari hanging back there. They end up pulling at a restaurant and watch as the Ferrari drives by.
"So, what's wrong, Brian?" Dom asks Brian.
"Nothing man, I'm fine" Brian replies back.
"Come on, obviously something's off " Dom says.
"Look I have my good days and my bad days just like anybody else" Brian tells him.
"Brian don't lose that cool of yours. That's your meal ticket" Dom tells him.
"My meal ticket? I can't pay for my own shrimp?" Brian questions him.
"I got the shrimp" Dom says.
"No, that's one thing about me you don't understand, I don't take handouts. I earn my way every step, I just gotta earn something extra on the side, like you" Brian says eating his shrimp.
"What do you mean, like me?" Dom questions him.
"Don't try. I'm not stupid, all right? I know that there's no way you paid for all the shit you got under the hood. There's no way you paid for what's under the hood of those cars by doing some tune-ups and selling groceries, whatever it is you're in on. I want in on it too." Dom and Brian just stare at eachother. Dom then reaches into his pocket and pulls out a piece of paper, then handing it to Brian.
"Well, what is this?"
"Read it" Dom tells Brian.
"What is this for?" Brian asks as he sees a name and numbers.
"It's directions, to Race Wars. We'll see how you do, then we'll talk."

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