Chapter 2:

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Mia shouts at Vince finally getting his attention."What?" Vince asks as he looks at her."Can I get you anything?" Mia asks, everyone just looks at Vince except from Dom."You look good" Vince tells Mia causing Letty and Tyler to look at eachother.

"Thanks a lot Mia. See you tomorrow," the guy says as he places down the money for the sandwich. Vince gets up and shouts "Try fatburger from now on. Get yourself a double cheese with fries for $2.95, faggot," Vince then walks after the guy."I like the tuna here" the guy says.

"Bullshit. No one likes the tuna here," Vince argues as he follows the guy to his car."Yeah, well I do" the guy says before Vince pushes him into his truck. The guy quickly turns around and punches Vince, which then sends him to the ground.

"Jesus Christ, Dom! Would you get out there?" Mia yells as she rushes over to where Dom was."I'm sick of this shit. I'm not kidding Dom. Get out there!" Dom finally stands and they all look to see the guy repeatedly punching Vince."What did you put in that sandwich?" Dom asks his sister causing Tyler and Letty to look at him with a "seriously" look.

"That's really funny" Mia says sarcastically."Dom!" Tyler says as they see the guy take Vince to the ground."All right" Dom says before heading outside with everyone following him besides Mia.

"Hey, man. He was in my face" the guy says after Dom throws him up against one of the cars."I'm in your face" Dom says to him as Vince stands up and tries to go after the guy again. Dom quickly shoves him back."Relax! don't push it, you embarrass me!"

"Get over there!" Leom yells at Vince as he shoves him away from Dom and the guy. Letty and Leon form a wall between Vince and the others. Tyler tells Jesse to pick up the guys wallet off the ground, but he doesn't pick it up so that's when Tyler picks it up.

"Ty, give me the wallet" Dom orders and Tyler rolls her eyes before giving it to Dom. Dom then looks at the id,"Brian Earl Spilner sounds like a serial killer name. Is that what you are?" Dom asks."No,man" Brian answers him."Don't come around here anymore" Dom orders before turning to walk over to the rest of the team."Hey, man. This is bullshit" Brian says."You work for Harry, right?" Dom asks as he turns back around to look at Brian."Yeah, I just started" Brian answers him."You were just fired" Dm says before they all start heading back inside.


That night after Dom tried getting Brian fired, they all got ready for the race thta was happening the same night. Tyler drove her own car with Mia riding with her. As Tyler gets out of her car she sees Dom with his aarms around two blonde racerchasers and then sees Letty annoyed by it, so she goes over to Letty and asks if she wants help getting rid of them, Letty nods.

"Rowrrr...I smell" Tyler says as she and Letty walk up to Dom before they sniff the air."Skanks. Why don't you girls pack it up before we leave tread marks on your face?" Letty says as the girls quickly walk away as Dom looks at them in slight shock. Tyler heads back over to Mia while leaving Letty with Dom there.

"Letty, I was just talking" Dom tries to explain."Yeah, whatever" Letty says as she walks to stand with the rest of the team.

"Okay, Hector" Tyler says as she sees the guy walking over to them."Yeah? What's up, girl?" Hector asks her as he shakes her hand.

"Yo. What's up?" Edwin says as he walks over to them. "How we doing this tonight?"."One race. $2,000 buy-in. Winner takes all" Dom answers him before handing his cash to Hector. "Hector you're going to hold the cash."

"Why Hector?" A guy asks as he and Edwin hand their cash to Hector. "Cause he's too slow to make away with the money" Edwin says causing the crowd to go 'ohhhh'.

"Okay. Good luck guys" Dom says as he wraps an arm around Letty before he heads to go to his car. "Hey, wait. Hold up" Brian says as he walks up to them. "I don't have any cash. But I do have the pink slip to my car." Tyler just shakes her head, no one has beaten Dom except from her.

"You can't just climb in the ring with Ali,'cause you think you can box" Jesse says causing Mia and Tyler to nod in agreement.

"He knows I can box," Brian says as he points at Vince causing the girls to not laugh at the glare he earned."Check it out. It's like this. I lose, the winner takes my car. Clean and clear. But if I win, I take the cash, and I take the respect." Brian says.

"Respect?" Dom asks as the crowd just laughs. "To some people, that's more important" Brian says as he glances at Mia and Tyler. "That your car?" Dom asks before they all walk over towards it.

"I see a cool air intake. It's got a NOS fogger system and a T4 turbo, Dominic" Jesse says as he looks under the hood. "I see an ALC controller. It has direct port nitrous injection."

"Yeah. And a stand-alone fuel managment system. Not a bad way to spend $10,000" Dom says with a little respect as he wraps an arm back around Letty, but this time she pulls away, which means she gets confused looks from everyon eon the team.

"So, what do you say? Am I worthy?" Brian questions with a smile before everyone looks at Dom.


Letty rode with Dom over to where the starting line is. "Letty what the hell was that back there?" Dom asked. "Nothing, we just need to talk after that's all" Letty said replying back. Letty then gets out of the car and walks over to where Mia and Tyler were.

Brian drove past the starting line, causing people to go 'Woaahh', then he backs up when he realises he went over the line. Hector gets the okay from Leon, causing Tyler to smirk at Hector. "Ready..." Hector says raising his arm. "Gooo!" Hector drops his arm before the cars are off. Dom had won the race as usual which meant him pulling up first with two other drivers behind him but there was no Brian.

It Will Always Be You ( fast and furious fanfiction)(dominic toretto love story)Where stories live. Discover now