Chapter 6:

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The next day Letty, Dom, Jesse, Tyler, Mia, Leon and Brian are at the garage working on the car. "Got a TR7 here, with a ball-bearing upgrade. What it's going to do is, it's going to spool up really quick" Jesse says as he Letty and Tyler work on the engine. "I got this set up for 24 psi" Tyler says to Jesse. "Got it" Jesse says. "Anyways when is Dom taking you out?" Letty asks Tyler. "He hasn't asked me yet" Tyler answers. "Wait, why not?" Letty asks again. "I don't know he want to take things slow" Tyler answers with a shrug. "That's not happening" Letty says as she gets up and starts walking towards Dom and Brian. Tyler gets up quickly going after Letty. "Letty what are you doing?." "He hasn't got the balls to ask you out on a date after I told him it was okay and to go get the girl he really wants" Letty replies back. She then walks over to them just standing there and watching them till they realise shes there, she over hears there conversation. "You got big plans tonight?" Dom asks Brian as they work on the car. "Yeah, we're going out to dinner" Brian answers. "You break her heart i'll break your face" Dom tells him. "That's not gonna happen" Brian says then realising Letty is behind them and notices Tyler watching her. "What's up Letty?" Brian asks. "Nothing i'm still wondering why Dom here hasn't asked Tyler on a date yet, what you waiting for?" "I dont know i'm just waiting for the right time I want to take it slow" Dom replies back. "No, you need to ask her she told you exactly why she didn't tell you and that you want to take it slow and make it right, well then why the he'll haven't you asked her it's one date it's not gonna mean your going too fast" Letty says. "Ok. But i'll ask her on a date when i'm ready, and anyways I could have something planned but you have no idea" Dom says. Letty walks back to where she was to work on the engine again.

"I want to show you something" Dom says to Brian as he wipes his hands on a rag and then passing it to Brian. "Tyler?" Dom says Tyler gets up and looks at him. "You wanna come?" Dom asks, Tyler nods before getting up and following Dom with Brian behind her. Dom takes them both to the Toretto house and leads them both to the other garage. He then opens it revealing a 1970 Dodge Charger. "Woah" Tyler says. "Wow" Brian says. "Me and my dad built her. Nine hundred horses of Detroit muscle" Dom explains to them. "It's a beast" Brian says. "You know what she ran in Palmdale?" Dom asks Brian. "No, what?" Brian asks. "Nine seconds flat" Dom says. "God" Tyler says as Dom looks at her before continuing. "My dad was driving. So much torque, the chassis twisted coming off the line. Barely kept her on the truck" Dom says with a quick smile. "So, what's your best time?" Brian asks him. "I've never driven her" Dom replies. "Why not?" Tyler asks, she never saw the car so she was wondering why he would show it to her now and why he has never driven it. "It scares the shit out of me" Dom answers her before pointing to the wall thta has a picture on it. "That's my dad, he was coming up in the pro stock car circuit. Last race of the season, a guy named Kenny Linder came up from inside, in the final turn. He clipped his bumper and put him into the wall at 120. I watched my dad burn to death, I remembered hearing him scream. But the people that were there said he had died before the tanks blew, they said it was me who was screaming" Dom says while walking around the car. "I saw Linder about a week later. I had a wrench, and I hit him, and I didn't intend to keep hitting him but when I finished, I couldn't lift my arm." Tyler goes over and stands next to Dom while Brian sits down on a couch in there. "He's a janitor at a high school, he has to take the bus to work everyday. And they banned me from the tracks for life" Dom says which makes Tyler grab his arm in comfort, he looks down at her and smiles.
"I live my life a quater-mile at a time, nothing else matters. Not the mortgage, not the store, not my team, for those 10-seconds or less, I'm free" Dom says. After that Brian leaves the garage Tyler following behind him but Dom stops her.
"I want you to know that I do want us to work, I just want to take it slow not rush it" Dom says to her grabbing her arm. "Yeah, I know" Tyler says smiling as she manages to get out of Dom's grip and hold his hand. "But because of the shit Letty is giving me and me already having something planned will you go on a date with me?" Dom asks. "Yes, I would love that" Tyler says. They exit the garage.

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